Daniel Zandonadi

Dr. Daniel Zandonadi

Director Plant Physiologist/Agronomist (Visiting Scientist)


  • PhD, Bioscience and Biotechnology, North Fluminense State University 
  • MS, Plant Production, North Fluminense State University 
  • BS, Agronomy, North Fluminense State University 

Work History: 

  • Bio Huma Netics (2022), 
  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2016), 
  • Embrapa (2011), 
  • Vila Velha University (2010) 


Back in 1998, before starting my Agronomy BS at the North Fluminense State University (UENF), Dr. Ary Carlos Xavier Velloso introduced me to Dr. Luciano Canellas, and my journey in science began in the Soil Laboratory. Later, I became particularly interested in plant physiology and started investigating the effects of organic extracts on plant growth. During my master’s with Dr. Canellas, we studied how humic substances from different sources such as soil, waste and earthworm casting could modify plant growth. 

We moved forward to understand the signaling pathways triggered by humics, and the possible mechanisms related to root development during my Ph.D. (20062009). From 2006 to 2007, I had the opportunity to study plant molecular biology with Dr. Marla Binzel at Texas A&M University and gained more perspective on how plants cope with stress upon humics treatment. 

In 2010, I worked at Vila Velha University, where we developed a technique for Mangrove restoration in an ecological station in the city of Vitoria, ES (Brazil). We have applied humic substances extracts in mangrove seedlings and used the enhanced plants to restore a threaded mangrove station.  

The following year, I joined the Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), working with plant nutrition and cell biology. Briefly, I have conducted several laboratory and field experiments to understand the mechanisms and check the yield response of vegetables to humic substances, amino acids and other plant biostimulants.  

In 2016, I started working at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where I built a research group focused on two main lines, (1) biofertilizer studies and (2) conservation physiology, with double oriented research design. The studies of research line 1 are dedicated to the plant response to humic substances and carbonaceous nanomaterials both in laboratory and field conditions. The research line 2 is dedicated to understanding the physiology of threatened species for plant conservation. 

Now as a visiting scientist at Huma, I am working with an experienced R&D team on plant response to humic substances. We are working to understand how humic substances act on an intriguing mechanism leading to root architecture modifications, and how foliar sprayed humic substances alter plant physiology. 


Santos, M. P., dos Santos Prado, L. A., Cogo, A. J. D., Lopes, A. V. S. A., Caldeira, C. F., Cavalcante, A. B., … & Zandonadi, D. B. (2022). High irradiance impairs Isoëtes cangae growth. Aquatic Botany, 103590. 

High irradiance impairs Isoëtes cangae growth – ScienceDirect 


Souza, A.C., Zandonadi, D.B., Santos, M.P., Canellas, N.O.A., de Paula Soares, C., da Silva Irineu, L.E.S., de Rezende, C.E., Spaccini, R., Piccolo, A., Olivares, F.L. and Canellas, L.P., 2021. Acclimation with humic acids enhances maize and tomato tolerance to salinity. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 8(1), pp.1-13. 


Acclimation with humic acids enhances maize and tomato tolerance to salinity | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture | Full Text (springeropen.com) 


dos Santos Pereira, T., Monteiro de Paula, A., … Zandonadi, D.B. and Busato, J.G., 2021. Trichoderma-enriched vermicompost extracts reduces nematode biotic stress in tomato and bell pepper crops. Agronomy, 11(8), p.1655. 

Agronomy | Free Full-Text | Trichoderma-Enriched Vermicompost Extracts Reduces Nematode Biotic Stress in Tomato and Bell Pepper Crops (mdpi.com) 


Caldeira, C.F., Lopes, A.V., Aguiar, K.C., Ferreira, A.L., Araujo, J.V., Gomes, V.M., Zandonadi, D.B., Abranches, C.B., Ramos, S.J., Gastauer, M. and Campos, N.V., 2021. Distinct Reproductive Strategy of Two Endemic Amazonian Quillworts. Diversity, 13(8), p.348. 

Diversity | Free Full-Text | Distinct Reproductive Strategy of Two Endemic Amazonian Quillworts (mdpi.com) 


Felix, R. W., Pereira, K. F., Bevilacqua, M. S., Zandonadi, D. B., Bozelli, R. L., & Figueiredo-Barros, M. P. (2021). Vegetative Propagation of Amazonian Indigenous Species for Restoration Practices Over a Riverscape Floodplain Disturbed by Silting. Floresta e Ambiente, 28(2). 



de Oliveira Barbirato, J., Ferreira, N.C., Zandonadi, D.B. and Dobbss, L.B., 2021. Structural characterization of areas with different levels of conservation in the mangrove of Vitória Bay, ES. Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, 4(2), pp.2600-2614. 

Structural characterization of areas with different levels of conservation in the mangrove of Vitória Bay, ES / Caracterização estrutural de áreas com diferentes níveis de conservação do manguezal da Baía de Vitória, ES | Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research (brazilianjournals.com.br) 


Zandonadi, D. B., Duarte, H. M., Santos, M. P., dos Santos Prado, L. A., Martins, R. L., Calderon, E. N., … & de Assis Esteves, F. (2021). Ecophysiology of two endemic Amazon quillworts. Aquatic Botany, 170, 103350. 

Ecophysiology of two endemic Amazon quillworts – ScienceDirect 


Baía, D. C., Olivares, F. L., Zandonadi, D. B., de Paula Soares, C., Spaccini, R., & Canellas, L. P. (2020). Humic acids trigger the weak acids stress response in maize seedlings. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 7(1), 1-13. 

Humic acids trigger the weak acids stress response in maize seedlings | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture | Full Text (springeropen.com) 


Santos, M. P., Zandonadi, D. B., de Sá, A. F. L., Costa, E. P., de Oliveira, C. J. L., Perez, L. E., … & Bressan-Smith, R. (2020). Abscisic acid-nitric oxide and auxin interaction modulates salt stress response in tomato roots. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 32(4), 301-313. 

Abscisic acid-nitric oxide and auxin interaction modulates salt stress response in tomato roots | SpringerLink 


Santos, M. P., Araujo, J. V. R., Lopes, A. V. S. A., Vettorazzi, J. C. F., Boechat, M. S. B., Arêdes, F. A., … & de Assis Esteves, F. (2020). The genetic diversity and population structure of two endemic Amazonian quillwort (Isoetes L.) species. PeerJ, 8, e10274. 

The genetic diversity and population structure of two endemic Amazonian quillwort (Isoetes L.) species [PeerJ] 


Zandonadi, D. B., Matos, C. R. R., Castro, R. N., Spaccini, R., Olivares, F. L., & Canellas, L. P. (2019). Alkamides: a new class of plant growth regulators linked to humic acid bioactivity. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 6(1), 1-12. 

Alkamides: a new class of plant growth regulators linked to humic acid bioactivity | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture | Full Text (springeropen.com) 


González-Arcos, M., de Noronha Fonseca, M. E., Zandonadi, D. B., Peres, L. E., Arruabarrena, A., Ferreira, D. S., … & Boiteux, L. S. (2019). A loss-of-function allele of a TAC1-like gene (SlTAC1) located on tomato chromosome 10 is a candidate for the Erectoid leaf (Erl) mutation. Euphytica, 215(5), 1-16. 

A loss-of-function allele of a TAC1-like gene (SlTAC1) located on tomato chromosome 10 is a candidate for the Erectoid leaf (Erl) mutation | SpringerLink 


Busato, J. G., de Carvalho, C. M., Zandonadi, D. B., Sodré, F. F., Mol, A. R., de Oliveira, A. L., & Navarro, R. D. (2018). Recycling of wastes from fish beneficiation by composting: chemical characteristics of the compost and efficiency of their humic acids in stimulating the growth of lettuce. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(36), 35811-35820. 

Recycling of wastes from fish beneficiation by composting: chemical characteristics of the compost and efficiency of their humic acids in stimulating the growth of lettuce – PubMed (nih.gov) 


Busato, J. G., Zandonadi, D. B., Mól, A. R., Souza, R. S., Aguiar, K. P., Júnior, F. B. R., & Olivares, F. L. (2017). Compost biofortification with diazotrophic and P‐solubilizing bacteria improves maturation process and P availability. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 97(3), 949-955. 

Compost biofortification with diazotrophic and P‐solubilizing bacteria improves maturation process and P availability – Busato – 2017 – Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture – Wiley Online Library 


de Oliveira Barbirato, J., Conceição, J. M., Cabral, D. S., Barroso, A. L. P., Zandonadi, D. B., & Dobbss, L. B. (2016). Microbiological monitoring in two areas with different levels of conservation in the mangroves of an Ecological Station, Vitoria, ES. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, 38(3), 333-339. 

<b>Microbiological monitoring in two areas with different levels of conservation in the mangroves of an Ecological Station, Vitoria, ES | Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences (uem.br) 


Dobbss, L. B., Barroso, A. L. P., Ramos, A. C., Torrico, K. S. N., de Souza Arçari, F. S., & Zandonadi, D. B. (2016). Bioactivity of mangrove humic materials on Rizophora mangle and Laguncularia racemosa seedlings, Brazil. African Journal of Biotechnology, 15(23), 1168-1176. 




Busato, J. G., Zandonadi, D. B., de Sousa, I. M., Marinho, E. B., Dobbss, L. B., & Mól, A. R. (2016). Effects of water-soluble humic extract and biofertilizer on development of Callophyllum brasiliense seedlings. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 36(86), 161-168. 

NDLI: Effects of water-soluble humic extract and biofertilizer on development of Callophyllum brasiliense seedlings (iitkgp.ac.in) 


Zandonadi, D. B., Santos, M. P., Caixeta, L. S., Marinho, E. B., Peres, L. E. P., & Façanha, A. R. (2016). Plant proton pumps as markers of biostimulant action. Scientia Agricola, 73(1), 24-28. 



Lima, C. E. P., Fontenelle, M. R., Silva, L. R. B., Soares, D. C., Moita, A. W., Zandonadi, D. B., … & Lopes, C. A. (2015). Short-term changes in fertility attributes and soil organic matter caused by the addition of EM Bokashis in two tropical soils. International Journal of Agronomy, 2015. 

Short-Term Changes in Fertility Attributes and Soil Organic Matter Caused by the Addition of EM Bokashis in Two Tropical Soils (hindawi.com) 


Marinho, E. B., de Oliveira, A. L., Zandonadi, D. B., Benedito, L. E. C., de Souza, R. B., de Figueiredo, C. C., & Busato, J. G. (2014). Organic matter pools and nutrient cycling in different coffee production systems in the Brazilian Cerrado. Agroforestry systems, 88(5), 767-778. 

Organic matter pools and nutrient cycling in different coffee production systems in the Brazilian Cerrado | SpringerLink 


Zandonadi, D. B., Santos, M. P., Medici, L. O., & Silva, J. (2014). Action of organic matter and its fractions on vegetables physiology. Horticultura Brasileira, 32(1), 14-20. 



Zandonadi, D. B., Santos, M. P., Busato, J. G., Peres, L. E. P., & Façanha, A. R. (2013). Plant physiology as affected by humified organic matter. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 25(1), 13-25. 

SciELO – Brazil – Plant physiology as affected by humified organic matter Plant physiology as affected by humified organic matter 


Souza, J.M., Valente, A.F., Cassimiro, R.A., Campos, T.P., Fernandes, F.R., Amaro, G.B., Zandonadi, D.B. and Moita, A.W. (2019). Growth analysis of sweet potato cultivars using the float system greenhouse. Acta Hortic. 1249, 185-188. 

Growth analysis of sweet potato cultivars using the float system greenhouse (actahort.org) 

Zandonadi, D. B., & Busato, J. G. (2012). Vermicompost humic substances: technology for converting pollution into plant growth regulators. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Research, 3(2), 73-84. 

(PDF) Vermicompost humic substances: technology for converting pollution into plant growth regulators (researchgate.net) 


Busato, J. G., Zandonadi, D. B., Dobbss, L. B., Façanha, A. R., & Canellas, L. P. (2010). Humic substances isolated from residues of sugar cane industry as root growth promoter. Scientia Agricola, 67(2), 206-212. 

Humic substances isolated from residues of sugar cane industry as root growth promoter | Scientia Agricola (usp.br) 


Zandonadi, D. B., Santos, M. P., Dobbss, L. B., Olivares, F. L., Canellas, L. P., Binzel, M. L., … & Façanha, A. R. (2010). Nitric oxide mediates humic acids-induced root development and plasma membrane H+-ATPase activation. Planta, 231(5), 1025-1036. 

Nitric oxide mediates humic acids-induced root development and plasma membrane H+-ATPase activation | SpringerLink 


Canellas, L. P., Piccolo, A., Dobbss, L. B., Spaccini, R., Olivares, F. L., Zandonadi, D. B., & Façanha, A. R. (2010). Chemical composition and bioactivity properties of size-fractions separated from a vermicompost humic acid. Chemosphere, 78(4), 457-466. 

Chemical composition and bioactivity properties of size-fractions separated from a vermicompost humic acid – ScienceDirect 


Aguiar, N. D. O., Canellas, L. P., Dobbss, L. B., Zandonadi, D. B., Olivares, F. L., & Facanha, A. R. (2009). Molecular weight distribution of humic acids and root growth promotion. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 33(6), 1613-1623. 

Molecular weight distribution of humic acids and root growth promotion – RBCS – Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (rbcsjournal.org) 


Canellas, L. P., Teixeira Junior, L. R. L., Dobbss, L. B., Silva, C. A., Medici, L. O., Zandonadi, D. B., & Façanha, A. R. (2008). Humic acids crossinteractions with root and organic acids. Annals of Applied Biology, 153(2), 157-166. 

Humic acids crossinteractions with root and organic acids – Canellas – 2008 – Annals of Applied Biology – Wiley Online Library 


Canellas, L. P., Zandonadi, D. B., Busato, J. G., Baldotto, M. A., Simões, M. L., Martin-Neto, L., … & Piccolo, A. (2008). Bioactivity and chemical characteristics of humic acids from tropical soils sequence. Soil Science, 173(9), 624-637. 



Zandonadi, D. B., Canellas, L. P., & Façanha, A. R. (2007). Indolacetic and humic acids induce lateral root development through a concerted plasmalemma and tonoplast H+ pumps activation. Planta, 225(6), 1583-1595. 

Indolacetic and humic acids induce lateral root development through a concerted plasmalemma and tonoplast H+ pumps activation | SpringerLink 


Rodda, M. R. C., Canellas, L. P., Façanha, A. R., Zandonadi, D. B., Guerra, J. G. M., Almeida, D. L. D., & Santos, G. D. A. (2006). Improving lettuce seedling root growth and ATP hydrolysis with humates from vermicompost: I-effect of vermicompost concentration. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 30(4), 649-656. 

Improving lettuce seedling root growth and ATP hydrolysis with humates from vermicompost. I – effect of vermicompost concentration – RBCS – Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (rbcsjournal.org) 


Rodda, M. R. C., Canellas, L. P., Façanha, A. R., Zandonadi, D. B., Guerra, J. G. M., Almeida, D. L. D., & Santos, G. D. A. (2006). Improving lettuce seedling root growth and ATP hydrolysis with humates from vermicompost: I-effect of vermicompost source. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 30(4), 657-664. 

Improving lettuce seedling root growth and ATP hydrolysis with humates from vermicompost. II – Effect of vermicompost source – RBCS – Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (rbcsjournal.org) 


Canellas, L. P., Espindola, J. A. A., Rezende, C. E., Camargo, P. B. D., Zandonadi, D. B., Rumjanek, V. M., … & Braz-Filho, R. (2004). Organic matter quality in a soil cultivated with perennial herbaceous legumes. Scientia Agricola, 61(1), 53-61. 

Organic matter quality in a soil cultivated with perennial herbaceous legumes | Scientia Agricola (usp.br)