Huma Agriculture Products
Our dry humate biostimulant products accelerate microbial activity to greatly improve soil health and fertility, build organic matter, fast-track regenerative agriculture systems and reduce crop input costs, while reducing dependency on synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. We further process Huma humates to create our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology (MCT). MCT super charges our innovative carbon-rich liquid products to naturally increase nutrient availability and uptake, improve soil and plant health, and offer zero-residue crop protection against pests and diseases. MCT delivers fast-acting results and greater uptake in the foliage and soil at much lower rates.
Product Categories
Renew, rebuild & maintain your soil
Maximize fertilizer potential and increase soil organic matter
Improve Flowering, Fruit Set, Sizing, and Maturity
Maximize Nutrient Availability & Efficiency
Promotes Strong, Steady Growth and Higher Yields
Powerful Organic Pesticides, Fungicides, and Nematicides
Carefully Crafted Line of Organic Products
Case Studies
Huma® Liquid Sili-Max® Improves Wheat Yield at Much Higher Efficiency Than Conventional Dry Silicon Fertilizers
Objective The objective of this study was to compare, for use in Louisiana wheat production, the efficacy of a liquid silicon (Si) fertilizer (Huma® Sili-Max®) with a commonly used dry Si source (steel slag) and another Si source (wollastonite) often used in research as a suspension. Silica deposition is an important barrier for foliar fungal
Huma® Improves Alfalfa Quality In the Southwest
Background All Huma® Inc. products are based on extractions of humic substances and other materials that can stimulate plant growth and improve crop quality. Objective The objective of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying Huma® products, specifically Encapsalt®, Super Phos®, Max Pak®, 44 Mag,® Vitol®, Super Nitro®, Breakout®, Fertil Soil®, Iro-Max®,
Huma® Improves Alfalfa Soil Biology In the Southwest
Background Industrial agriculture can degrade soil quality for crops by altering the total living microbial biomass of soil. Many practices and beneficial ag products have been introduced to the market to improve soil quality. Some of these products are humic substance-based products. Objective The objective of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying
Featured Blogs
Federal Crop Insurance: A Safety Net for Farmers or a Profit Tool?
This Week in Ag #105 - You can’t live without insurance these days. You can’t get a home mortgage without it. Nor can you legally drive without it. And if you’re a corn or soybean grower, you really can’t farm without it. That’s why over 90% of commodity crop acres are insured with Federal Crop Insurance. But FCI is anything but a normal insurance policy.
From the Field: Exploring the Impact of Biostimulants in Asia
Last June, I had the privilege of visiting parts of Asia to attend a conference hosted by one of our distributors. The event brought together ag experts, farmers, and researchers from different parts of the world to discuss the future of farming. I was excited to collaborate with them all and little did I know,
Inconvenient Truths About Farming
This Week In Ag #104 Here’s an inconvenient truth about farming: many farmers live off their equity. When land is your biggest asset and land prices remain strong, so does your balance sheet. This offers lending power. Depending on your situation, it’s very possible to break even, or even lose money in your farming operation