Huma Agriculture Products
Our dry humate biostimulant products accelerate microbial activity to greatly improve soil health and fertility, build organic matter, fast-track regenerative agriculture systems and reduce crop input costs, while reducing dependency on synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. We further process Huma humates to create our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology (MCT). MCT super charges our innovative carbon-rich liquid products to naturally increase nutrient availability and uptake, improve soil and plant health, and offer zero-residue crop protection against pests and diseases. MCT delivers fast-acting results and greater uptake in the foliage and soil at much lower rates.
Product Categories
Renew, rebuild & maintain your soil
Maximize fertilizer potential and increase soil organic matter
Improve Flowering, Fruit Set, Sizing, and Maturity
Maximize Nutrient Availability & Efficiency
Promotes Strong, Steady Growth and Higher Yields
Powerful Organic Pesticides, Fungicides, and Nematicides
Carefully Crafted Line of Organic Products
Case Studies
Huma® and Zia Pueblo Farm Corn Project
Background Many small-scale farms (1-2 acres each) are established in Zia Pueblo community near San Ysidro, New Mexico. Huma® Inc. was asked to establish an experimental farm in the tribal community that could demonstrate the usage of beneficial agricultural inputs producing high-yield crop and preserving the health of the soil. Huma® humic-based products stimulate plant...
Huma® OM 1-3 mm Organic Humates Improve Potato Yield by 9%, With 5:1 ROI
Background Scientific research shows that humic and fulvic acids are biostimulants—enhancing nutrient availability and uptake, improving plant root growth and mass, and impacting both crop yield and quality. Objective The focus of this study was to assess the effect of pre-plant application of a raw humic product on potato yield. Materials & Methods One week...
Huma® Zap® Improves Corn Yield by 8.3 bu/A, With 10% ROI
Background Application of Zap® to soils in combination with other Huma® fertilizers at various locations previously resulted in crops with improved plant growth and higher yields. Applying Zap® with grower standard products or as a single product application to soil and plants could also impact results. Objective The focus of this study was to observe...
Featured Blogs
This Week In Ag #92
Should regenerative agriculture resemble a Chinese menu, where you freely pick and choose the ingredients you want to include or eliminate from your entrée, rather than taking a holistic approach? That depends on your perspective of regen farming.
This Week In Ag #91
There’s a new sheriff in town. Or at least an old one returning. And there’s new leadership in Congress. So how will the election results impact agriculture?
This Week In Ag #90
The year was 1984. It was totally awesome. Ronald Reagan had just carried 49 states to win re-election. Purple Rain reigned over the air waves. Daniel-san had defeated Cobra Kai (well, for the first time). Steve Jobs introduced a little beige box that would soon change the world. Yet in farm country, one news item...