Bio Huma Netics, Inc.—the company that makes Huma Gro®, Huma Gro® Turf, and Probiotic Solutions® products—was founded under the name Sunburst Mining Company in 1973 by Dr. Jordan Smith, Don Organ, and Delworth Stout. These men discovered a unique oxidized humate that was rich in natural organic compounds and minerals in a mine in the northwestern United States. The founders developed a proprietary process to extract organic acids, valuable minerals, and other organic components from this material. This extract contains the base of Micro Carbon Technology® that is the foundational ingredient used in almost all of the more than 70 products produced by BHN.
This short video narrated by Lyndon Smith, current President/CEO of BHN and son of founder Jordan Smith, tracks the history of BHN from 1973 to the present.
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