This field trial assessed the Phosphorus (P) efficacy of Huma Gro® Super Phos® on corn yield in comparison with the standard 10-34-0.
Huma Gro® Super Phos® at 1.225 GPA increased corn yield by 99.15 bu/ac in comparison with 10-34-0 at 18.38 GPA. This demonstrates Super Phos® to be 15 times more efficient than 10-34-0 at delivering phosphorus to corn and, at MSRP at the time of the trial, represented a 40% savings on fertilizer cost.
Achieving higher yield while using much less product (7.62 lb of P2O5 for Super Phos®, vs. 72.6 lb of P2O5 from the 10-34-0)has the added benefit of presenting much less opportunity for phosphorus soil-leaching and runoff into nearby water, thereby protecting the environment. It also facilitates sustainable agriculture through adherence to 4 R Nutrient Stewardship by applying the right source of plant nutrients at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place.
To learn more about purchasing Huma Gro® products, please click here.
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