Micro Carbon Technology® is a proprietary blend of extremely small organic carbon- and oxygen-rich molecules that act as a source of carbon and provide an ultra-efficient vehicle to move nutrients and other molecules into the plant through the soil and/or the leaves.
How does it work? Watch the video.
Products powered by Micro Carbon Technology® can be up to 10x more efficient than conventional fertilizers. Using MCT as the base, we have developed a full line of effective products for virtually every type of application. By building upon this base, the result is:
- Enhanced activity and diversity of beneficial soil microorganisms.
- Improved soil physical structure.
- Enhanced nutrient availability and uptake,
- Dramatically increased product use efficiency.
Our products rapidly deliver essential nutrition to your crop for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. The results are higher quality, increased yield, and maximum profit.
Read the full brochure.
For more information, go to our Micro carbon Technology® page.
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