OMRI-Listed Huma Gro® Promax® is a soil-applied fungicide and nematicide used as a preventive and a curative agent. It is recommended for the control of many fungal diseases in the soil, as well as plant parasitic nematodes in a wide range of crops. Benefits of use include:
- Inhibits nematode activity
- Provides excellent control of fungal diseases in soils
- Activates natural defense mechanisms in plants
- Safe for crops, humans, and the environment
- Fungicidal effect against all types of fungal spores
- Product’s natural chemistry has no documented cross-resistance
- Cost-effective performance
- Fast-acting upon contact
- Restricted Entry Interval (REI: 0 days
- Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI): 0 days
Promax® controls:
- Root Knot (Meloidogyne incognita)
- Spiral (Helicotylenchus)
- Lesion (Pratylenchus)
- Lance (Hoplolaimus galeatus)
- Ring (Criconemella xenoplax)
- Cyst (Heterodera glycines)
- Reniform (Rotylenchus robustus)
- Stunt (Tylenchorrhynchus)
- And many others . . .
- Powdery Mildew (Erysiphales)
- Rust (Pucciniales)
- Damping Off (Phytophthora sp.)
- Club Root (Plasmodiophora brassicae)
- Anthracnose Fruit Rot (Colletotrichum sp.)
- Root and Crown Rot (Fusarium sp.)
- Stem Rot (Sclerotium rolfsii)
- And many others . . .
How effective is it in the field? Here are some examples:
- In Vitro Bio-Assay Testing on Promax® Efficacy in Controlling Strawberry Pathogens
- Huma Gro®Nutrient and Fumigation Replacement Program Increases Strawberry Yields 97%
- ROMAX® Effectiveness Field Studies and Testimonial
- PROMAX® on Onions
- Promax® and Zap® Reduce Nematodes, Increase Yields for Green Chiles in New Mexico
Read the full brochure.
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