In this study of Fertilgold® Organics macronutrient (Fertilgold® 3-2-4) and micronutrient (Fertilgold® Micros I) liquid products compared with a grower’s standard treatment on organic cantaloupes applied under field conditions in Arizona, the Fertilgold® Organics treatment powered by a proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® resulted in a 120% yield increase with a 3-to-1 return on investment (ROI).

The research, conducted by Helena Agri-Enterprises at The University of Arizona Yuma Agricultural Center, was conducted as a randomized complete block design with five replications. Each replication consisted of 30 feet long by 80 inches wide beds. Treatments were applied to cantaloupe (Cucumis melo cantaloupensis) cultivar ‘Caribbean gold.’

Download/read the complete report here.

About the Author

Larry Cooper

Director, Sustainability & Knowledge Management, Huma, Inc. Lifelong learner, master gardener, rescuer of greyhounds, grandpa. Once served detention for placing ecology flag on top of his high school.

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