Huma Promax: Crop Protection Product
A soil fungicide and nematicide that eliminates pests and soil-borne disease naturally. OMRI-listed organic pesticide is soil applied to kill soil pathogens and nematodes on contact. Zero residue, no buffer zone, and no re-entry interval. So safe for the environment, Promax can be applied up to and on the day of harvest.
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Huma Gro Vitol: Growth Management Product
An 8-16-4 growth management crop formulation to supercharge plant growth. Increases foliar strength at emergence.
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Huma® Max Pak®
Huma® Max Pak® is a liquid micronutrient formulation containing a carbon complexed, highly stable source of many important micronutrients. Max Pak® is leaf friendly, salt buffered, and formulated with Micro Carbon Technology® to ensure
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Huma Fertil Soil: Soil Fertility Product
A 5-0-0 liquid fertilizer for rebuilding living soil. Improves soil structure, flocculates clay particles, activates beneficial soil bacteria and actinomycetes, and increases nutrient availability and plant uptake.
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