Jason Gralian

Jason Gralian

Plant Bioassay Specialist II


  • BS, Plant Biology, Arizona State University 

Work History: 

  • Bio Huma Netics (2021), 
  • Socati Corp. (2019), 
  • Arcadia Biosciences (2016), 
  • Dow AgroSciences (2010), 
  • Exelixis Plant Sciences (2009) 


I’ve worked most extensively with field corn, bread wheat, and durum wheat, primarily in the areas of high throughput screening for abiotic stress resistance and TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) mutagenesis. Aside from enjoying working with plants, I’ve always been very interested in machinery and equipment. Before changing my major to plant bio I studied mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology. This background has led to my involvement in several large greenhouse automation and facility improvement projects. Outside of work I enjoy sci-fi books and movies, hiking, cooking, travel, and video games. Lately I’ve been busy working on my fixer-upper home on a little acreage in Maricopa, AZ.