Jonathan Plehn 2023

Jonathan Plehn


When I took the role of President of Huma Inc. in January 2023, having previously held the role of Chief Financial Officer since the beginning of 2020, I was reminded of the time I entered my first high school varsity basketball game. I was a junior backup point guard, and I was subbed in during the final minutes of a game we were winning. My job was to help make sure we didn’t LOSE the game. We were in the midst of a state championship run, and I felt the weight of being new and having big shoes to fill for our team captain and leader, the senior point guard. Thankfully, I was able to manage not losing. Eventually, over the rest of that season, and into my senior year, I would become that team captain and leader, contributing to WINNING games as we continued to build a fantastic team and successful basketball program. 

Similarly, it is my hope and ambition that Huma continues to build on its foundation of success, built by a great team led by CEO Lyndon W. Smith for the last 30 years, and his father and partners before him who founded the company in 1973. Huma is all about team, about the people – the people who gave, and are giving, everything they have to unlock the power of humic technology, the people who are partners in getting that technology to the world, and the people whose quality of life is enhanced by the results of applying humic technology. At Huma, we call that Win-Win-Win, one of our core values and the essence of who we are and how we operate. I have enjoyed bringing my 20+ years of experience in leadership of public companies ranging from $1B to $40B in annual sales (Newpark Resources, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Morgan Stanley), finance background (BS Accounting, MBA, CPA, RR Series 7/63), and passion for continuous improvement (LEAN certified) to join the Huma team and help build the future.