Michael Gardner 2023

Michael Gardner

Director of Turf & Ornamental

After studying agricultural economics at BYU, I’ve been active in agriculture since 1982 as a grower and produce broker. I used Huma products on my farm almost exclusively from 1995 to 2007. The main crops grown during that time were watermelons, onions and onion transplants.

I joined Huma in 2011, starting the turf program and then adding agriculture sales a few years later. I mainly handle Arizona, Northwest and Great Lakes territories. Being a grower, business owner and Huma product user for many years, gives me a unique perspective in working with growers and distributors. I love agriculture and I love Huma products and what they do for plant and soil health.

I believe there are no better people than those in the agriculture industry, and Iā€™m privileged to work with many of them.