Huma® liquid fertilizer programs with Micro Carbon Technology® provide growers with efficient crop nutrients via foliar spray or irrigation at the exact time crops need them. Precision timing of efficient nutrition provides better crop yield and quality.
The focus of this study was to assess how the efficient Huma® nutritional products affect potato yield and return on investment (ROI) when applied at specific growth stages.
Materials & Methods
The trial was conducted as a randomized complete design block with four replications at the research facility of SGS in Aurora, S. Dak. All the plots received a grower standard (GS) fertilizer program based on the region’s normal practices (Table 1). Nitrogen from urea, phosphorus from mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP), and potassium from potash were applied. In addition to the GS program, the Huma® products with identified purposes were applied at crop specific stages (Table 1). The potatoes were planted on May 24 and harvested on September 1.
Application of Huma® products in addition to the GS products improved the potato yield by 5% (Fig. 1). However, the results were not statistically significant.
The Huma® nutrient program translated into a higher net gain of $89 per acre when compared with the GS program alone. This gave a 200% return on investment (ROI).