
X-Tend® mixed with other fertilizers applied to specific crops has enhanced results with improved plant growth and higher yields. Combining X-Tend® with grower standard products applied to soil and when applied as a single product foliar application could also impact results.


The focus of this study was to observe if X-Tend® as a yield-enhancing product can improve corn yield under field conditions.

Materials & Methods

Experimental plots for corn were established at the Agricenter International research facility in Memphis, Tenn. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with six replications. The corn was planted on June 29 in a field that did not have any humic products prior to this study. The crop was harvested on October 19.

The grower standard (GS) fertilizer program, including the product and application timings, are outlined in Table 1. X-Tend® was applied at planting and again four weeks later during the growing season. At planting, X-Tend®, tank-mixed with 10-34-0 fertilizer was applied as in-furrow. X-Tend® was then sprayed on the plant leaves and the soil surface.

Huma® X Tend® Increases Corn Yield With 5 1 ROI Table 1

Huma® X Tend® Increases Corn Yield With 5 1 ROI Table 1


The difference between the two treatments was statistically significant (p = 0.05), indicating the addition of X-Tend® increased corn yield over the GS (Figure 1). Adding X-Tend® to GS caused the corn yield to increase by 25.8 bu/ acre over the GS program alone, which resulted in a return on investment (ROI) of 5 to 1.

Huma® X Tend® Increases Corn Yield With 5 1 ROI Figure 1

Huma® X Tend® Increases Corn Yield With 5 1 ROI Figure 1


This field study confirmed results from previous field trials that including X-Tend® in crop production can increase yield. In this study, the 19% yield bump and the 5:1 ROI resulted in over $100 per acre net income gain.


Huma® X-Tend® is an excellent source of Micro Carbon Technology®. It is formulated with organic acids and nutrients to improve the efficiency, release, and uptake of fertilizers. X-Tend® is excellent to release nutrients tied up in soils and is an outstanding additive for complexing most foliar nutrients.