Bio Huma Netics Inc. (BHN) provides ecologically sustainable products and services that replenish the earth by restoring water quality, reviving soil fertility, and renewing food value, thus enhancing the quality of life for all living beings. Using its proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®, BHN manufactures its HUMA GRO® and HUMA GRO® TURF lines of liquid nutrient and specialty products for agriculture and turf/ornamentals. BHN also manufactures its Probiotic Solutions® line of products for ultra-efficient wasterwater treatment. Opus-Prime provides commercial integrated information technology (IT) systems infrastructure; strategic planning, design, and project management. Opus-Prime designs unique, ground-up technology solutions that are good for business and good for the environment. BHN strives to have integrity in everything we do, because it’s what works and we care about people and the world.
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