by Heather Jennings, PE
For years, the wastewater industry has been plagued with products that meet only half the expectations of the users or make matters worse. I get it. I personally questioned the efficacy of Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT—the nutrient carrier for all our liquid nutrient and biostimulant products) when I started with Probiotic Solutions®. Because I was the Doubting Thomas of the group, I was assigned to conduct data analysis of projects and to work with our R&D group. My training is Chemical Engineering, so I was not looking for the easy answers. My customers deserve the best answers I can give them!
What I learned is that MCT is a nanomolecular carbon carrier that nutrients adsorb to. Everything from micronutrients—such as boron, cobalt, etc.—to macronutrients—such as phosphorus to blends of multiple nutrients. What I found is that, due to MCT, we can concentrate our solutions significantly and a little goes a long way! How many other products can add 1 gallon to 1 million gallons and change a whole activated sludge system around, remove foam, and build better flock?
Another great thing about the MCT is that it is a biostimulant itself. Meaning that when it interacts with the cell walls of the microbial community it creates a reaction that makes the microbial community consume more efficiently. Think of it as a “Red Bull” for microbes, and revved-up microbes mean better solids destruction! I’ve seen it happen multiple times in lagoons and activated systems across the United States, and I’m a believer. Although if you ask me what kind of snakes we use in our “snake oil,” I’ll tell you Diamondbacks: We make our products in Arizona, after all.
Click here for more information regarding our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®.
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