Experience the world’s most efficient wastewater remediation products, for operational stability of pulp and paper wastewater treatment facilities.
Bio Energizer® reduces grease & odor in wastewater sludge
Using Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT), Bio Energizer® efficiently reduces sludge, odor, BOD/COD, and FOGs. It’s a scientific formulation of organic acids, buffers, natural biological systems, nutrients and energy systems that balance the natural microbial ecosystem. Furthermore, Bio Energizer® increases the bio-oxidation of wastewater and efficiently reduces sludge and odor levels in wastewater treatment plants, lagoons, and ponds, and reduces grease problems in sewer lines and lift stations.
Bio Energizer® is the most cost-effective sludge removal tool:
- Less than 1/10th the cost of sludge handling / mechanical dredging
- Less than 1/100th the cost of building a new treatment facility
Benefits of Use:
- stimulates existing microbiology
- reduces noxious odors
- liquifies fats and greases
- drying beds dry faster
- reduces sludge buildup
- increases dissolved oxygen levels
- decreases mechanical aeration and energy costs
- speeds organic matter composting while improving quality
- lowers sludge dewatering and hauling costs
- reduces foaming
- improves flocculation and settleability
- minimizes upsets
- stimulates the purification process
- an economical alternative to mechanical sludge removal eliminating handling costs and out-of-service time
Micatrol® detoxifies chemicals
Micatrol® is a probiotic formulation of complexing agents, organic acids, buffers, nutrients, and energy systems that enhances biological degradation. Micatrol® catalyzes the breakdown of chemical and petroleum compounds and promotes microbial proliferation causing biodegradation into harmless byproducts of carbon dioxide, water, and humus. It is effective in detoxifying chemicals. Micatrol® is complexed with MCT to ensure better deliverability of nutrients to plants and microorganisms.
Benefits of use:
- buffers microbes from chemical toxicity
- breaks down chemical or petroleum contamination in sludge, digesters, and lagoons.
- complexes heavy metals and salts, reducing toxicity
Super Phos® maximizes phosphate availability in water
What it does:
In response to the reactivity of phosphorus in wastewater, Huma Environmental® developed a specially complexed phosphorus product called Super Phos®. Super Phos®, complexed with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®, is a liquid phosphate that is fed into wastewater treatment systems to feed microorganisms that are deficient in phosphorus. Over the years this product has proven to save money and improve plant performance by maximizing phosphorus bioavailability with minimum phosphorus input.
Super Phos® is an essential component of energy-carrying phosphate compounds (ATP & ADP), nucleic acids, several essential coenzymes, and phospholipids. Super Phos® starts out as food grade white phosphoric acid (tech grade) that is pre-complexed with organic acids to ensure maximum availability to aeration basin microbes. Super Phos® is many times more bio-available than regular phosphorus compounds because it is protected from complexing in water. Super Phos® has proven itself in wastewater applications where maximum performance is required and minimum effluent phosphorus concentrations are demanded.
Typically 1/5th to 1/10th the amount of Super Phos® is used compared to common grade agricultural type phosphoric acid fertilizers. This means reduced costs and better bioavailability that result in better plant performance.
Benefits of use:
- improves phosphate bioavailability and uptake
- stimulates biological activity for enhanced COD/BOD removal
- enhances biological species diversity for better stability
- decreases filamentous bacteria for less foaming
- improves natural floc formation
- improves SVI and SV30 for better decant, cleaner effluent, and lower TSS
- decreases phosphate levels in the effluent stream
- improves sludge reduction for decreased sludge handling costs
- reduces material costs
- easier handling and improved treatment performance
- safe to use
Super Nitro® improves nitrogen availability
What it does:
Super Nitro® complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, is a highly stable source of nitrogen for wastewater and bioremediation. In wastewater, heterotrophic bacteria require nitrogen to assist in metabolizing BOD and COD. Super Nitro® is a super-efficient, bioavailable source for microorganisms in nitrogen deficient wastewaters.
Benefits of use:
- provides quick, efficient uptake of nitrogen, which is immediately bioavailable
- stimulates biological reproduction and activity for enhanced COD/BOD removal and increased treatment
- improves sludge reduction and lowers nitrogen nutrient releases due to lower nutrient use
- increases the rate of hydrocarbon biodegradation
- can be mixed with other nutrients for ease of application
- can be applied by spray or pump application
Our products are used in
- lagoons and effluent ponds
- activated sludge plants (oxidation ditch, SBR, membrane)
- digesters (aerobic & anaerobic)
- solids holding tanks
- septic systems
For more information on these and other Huma Environmental® products, visit https://huma.us/environmental/our-products/
Micro Carbon Technology®
Using Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) as a base, we have developed many highly efficient products for maximum microbial stimulation in wastewater to reduce sludge, cut down on odor, lower BOD/COD levels, improve nitrogen removal, and lower operating costs. Wastewater, in its untreated form, usually does not meet all of the conditions for optimal microbial activity that leads to the breakdown of waste solids. When microbial activity is not optimized, sludge accumulates, odor gets out of control, and COD/BOD/FOG levels fall out of compliance with government regulations.
Key benefits of MCT include:
- non-selective: works with both positive and negative elemental ions
- versatile delivery: hand application, spray, or single-pumping system
- low energy: requires less effort from the microorganisms to uptake nutrients, lowering BOD
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