Huma: The First Name in Humates

Huma: The First Name in Humates2024-11-21T17:19:38-07:00

What are Humates?

Think of them as nature’s ancient compost; the carbon-rich remains of prehistoric plants. Humates are organic compounds formed from decomposed plant matter. Humic substances are a complex blend of humic and fulvic acids, along with humin, extracted from lignites, leonardites and peats.

Humate wall

How do Humates help crops?

Humates are nature’s most powerful biostimulants. They stimulate plant photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and absorption, and antioxidant production to combat environmental stress. By stimulating fine root production and increasing root exudates, humates improve soil organic matter and boost populations of microbes to enhance crop growth. 


You Asked, We Answered.

Why is there resistance to using the Standardized Lamar ISO method?2025-02-27T12:43:36-07:00

Resistance to this method often arises because it is more time-consuming and may result in a lower humic acid percentage on the label. Some competing organizations avoid it, perceiving a lower percentage as negative, not realizing that the humic acid percentage is just one factor influencing the agronomic efficacy of the product.

Which method should be used?2025-02-27T12:40:47-07:00

Huma encourages the use of the ISO method. This method is recognized for its precision in determining HA concentrations and has been accepted by the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS).

Why is choosing the right testing method so important?2025-02-27T12:33:15-07:00

It is important for any industry to engage with their customers with honesty and integrity. This entails offering accurate analyses of product constituents, enabling customers to make informed and reliable product comparisons. Choosing reliable testing methods ensures accurate determination of HA concentrations in products and promotes greater transparency with customers.

What do we think about the ISO and CDFA methods?2025-02-27T12:26:44-07:00

The ISO and CDFA methods provide the most accurate determination of HA concentrations as they rely on gravimetric analysis. In these methods, HA is extracted from a liquid or solid sample of known weight, dried, and then its weight is divided by the weight of the original sample to calculate the HA concentration. Both these methods produce far more accurate results than the colorimetric test.

The ISO method is considered more precise than the CDFA method because it includes an analysis of the ash content in the extracted and dried HA. The HA concentration is then determined by dividing the ash-corrected weight of the HA (thus pure HA) by the weight of the original sample.

Does a higher number always matter?2025-02-27T12:24:09-07:00

Unlike synthetic agricultural chemicals, such as herbicides, displaying a higher humic acid percentage doesn’t necessarily have much agronomic significance. The quality of humic acid is more dependent on the agronomic functional groups it contains and its electron-donating and accepting capacity.

Fortunately, New Mexico humic acid has proven to be the highest in these parameters, which is why most of our raw material is sourced from there.

Why is Huma dropping the colorimetric method?2025-02-27T12:16:43-07:00

As a market leader in humic products, Huma is discontinuing the use of colorimetric method, as accuracy is very important to us. We want to ensure the integrity of our products by providing precise HA concentration analyses.

What is the colorimetric method and why is it not accurate for evaluating humic substances?2025-02-27T12:18:49-07:00

The colorimetric method, also known as the spectrophotometric method, is a widely used technique for determining the concentration of humic acids (HA) in a sample. Although it’s one of the oldest methods, it’s not the most accurate because its results can be easily affected by contamination.

The colorimetric test is not accurate because it relies on measuring the absorbance of light by the HA sample extract at a specific wavelength and compares the value to that of a standard at a known concentration. However, it can also detect fulvic acids and possibly other substances, leading to inflated HA concentration values. Additionally, adulterants such as molasses, which absorb light at the test wavelength, can be added to produce artificially high HA concentrations.

In addition, the HA standard that is used during the process, such as HA from Sigma chemical company or another standard, may not accurately represent the HA chemical composition of HA from all sources. This potential misrepresentation further contributes to artificially inflated and inaccurate results when using the colorimetric method.

What are the current methods for evaluating HA? Which is the most accurate?2025-02-27T12:08:18-07:00

The primary methods currently used for determining HA concentrations include the colorimetric method, the CDFA (California Department of Food and Agriculture) method, and the ISO method.

Among these, the ISO method is the most accurate. This is because it determines HA concentrations gravimetrically (i.e., by weight), and the final extracted weight is adjusted for ash content, and thus the method provides the pure HA content.

What are humic substances?2025-02-27T12:01:38-07:00

Humic substances (HS) are carbon-rich organic materials derived from the microbial and abiotic breakdown and transformation of dead plant tissues through a process called humification. They occur in soil, sediments, and water. Additional sources from which HS are obtained for commercial purposes include peats, brown coals, oxidized lignite coals (i.e., Leonardite), and oxidized sub-bituminous coals.

When added to soil or applied to plants foliarly, HS act as natural biostimulants that enhance and support plant growth.

What exactly are humates?2024-12-16T16:12:48-07:00

Humic substances are carbon-rich materials formed primarily through microbial decomposition of dead plant matter, a process called humification, carried out by bacteria and fungi. These substances are found in soils, compost, peats, water, and various types of coals, which differ based on the conditions of peat formation, such as vegetation, climate, and geological processes. Because of these variations, humic substances from different sources have distinct properties and effects on plants.

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How do humates work in fields?2024-12-16T16:18:04-07:00

Humic substances act as plant biostimulants by inducing metabolic reprogramming, which enhances photosynthesis and energy production (ATP) for improved productivity. They also promote the development of a more branched root system, increasing the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. The combined effect of more efficient photosynthesis and nutrient uptake boosts overall plant growth and performance.

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How do humates improve my soil health?2024-12-16T16:18:57-07:00

Humic substances create beneficial stress (eustress) in crops, enhancing photosynthesis, root development, and nutrient and water uptake, helping plants better withstand stress and boosting productivity. They also improve soil health by promoting root exudates that stimulate microbial activity, increase soil water content, and enhance soil structure. These microbes add carbon to the soil when they die, further enriching soil health. While humic substances don’t directly increase water or carbon exchange capacity, their biostimulant effects improve nutrient efficiency, reduce the need for fertilizers (like nitrogen), and promote healthier, more productive crops with less environmental impact.

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What’s the difference between liquid humates and dry humates?2024-12-16T16:22:54-07:00

Liquid humate products, extracted from soft coal materials, typically contain 4% to 18% humic acid and can be applied both to soil and foliage. These products are versatile, offering immediate bioavailability for rapid plant response. In contrast, dry products, including micronized coal mixed with potassium hydroxide, are primarily for soil use and provide longer-term benefits over multiple growing seasons. The smaller the particle size, the higher the bioavailability. Choosing between liquid or dry products depends on whether you need fast results or sustained, long-term soil improvement.

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I keep hearing about humic acid and fulvic acid, but what’s the difference?2024-12-16T16:23:33-07:00

Humic substances are divided into three fractions: humic acids, fulvic acids, and the humate fraction. The key difference between them lies in their solubility in water. Humic acids are soluble in alkaline solutions but insoluble in acidic conditions, while fulvic acids are soluble across all pH levels. The humate fraction is insoluble and remains behind during extraction.

Both humic and fulvic acids consist of complex molecules made of long carbon chains (aliphatic) and ring structures (aromatic), with oxygen-containing functional groups (e.g., carboxylic or phenolic groups) that make them soluble in water. The main difference is that fulvic acids have more of these functional groups, allowing them to stay dissolved in water, while humic acids have fewer, causing them to precipitate in acidic conditions.

While humic molecules are often considered larger than fulvic molecules, their molecular sizes (measured in Daltons) overlap, with fulvic acids typically containing more oxygen and humic acids having higher carbon content.

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So how does my soil pH affect how my humates work?2024-12-16T16:27:44-07:00

The effect of pH on humic substances depends on the application. In soil, pH can influence humic molecule behavior, especially in calcareous soils with high calcium and magnesium, which can bind to humic acids. However, plants maintain a pH of around 5.5 in the rhizosphere (the soil around the roots), meaning that once humic substances reach this area, pH has little impact on their effectiveness.

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Does my soil type matter when it comes to applying humates?2024-12-16T16:29:02-07:00

Yes, soil type can affect the performance of humates. A USDA study found that in dry years with low rainfall, humic substances improved productivity across different soil types. However, in wetter years, the benefits were more noticeable in poorly-drained soils. Humic substances generally act as a form of “insurance,” boosting plant resilience to stress. For example, treated corn withstood a windstorm better than untreated plants, demonstrating their ability to improve plant strength and stress tolerance.

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How can humic acid stabilize nitrogen?2024-12-16T16:30:33-07:00

Humic substances can stabilize nitrogen by binding to ammonium and nitrate. At a pH of 7-9, the negative charges in humic acids (from carboxylic and phenolic groups) can bind to ammonium ions. Nitrate can also bind through divalent cations. However, urea, being neutral, cannot be bound by humic substances. This ability helps improve nitrogen retention and slow-release in soils.

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How often do I need to apply humates?2024-12-16T16:35:00-07:00

How often you need to apply humates depends on your goals. For immediate results, liquid applications (via foliar or soil) can be done several times throughout the year. For longer-term effects, solid applications to the soil are recommended, as they can last 2-3 years. The exact duration of effects is still being studied.

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If my soil already has a lot of organic matter, how will humates help?2024-12-16T16:42:23-07:00

Even if your soil has high organic matter, humates can still help by reducing plant stress. However, for better results, it’s recommended to use foliar applications rather than soil applications. In soils with high organic matter, humic substances can bind together and become less effective in the soil. Foliar application ensures better uptake and results.

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So how does humic acid work with manure?2024-12-16T16:42:03-07:00

Humic acid can enhance soil carbon content by stimulating plant growth and microbial activity. Humic substances promote more root exudates and fine roots, which, along with microbial decomposition, contribute carbon to the soil. When combined with manure, it’s important to manage the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio carefully. If the ratio is too low, microbes may deplete the soil’s carbon. Using humic substances helps ensure a more reliable increase in soil carbon, especially with proper tillage practices.

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Are there any long term downsides to using humates?2024-12-16T16:41:44-07:00

There are no long-term downsides to using humates. They offer only benefits, including enhancing plant stress resistance, promoting root growth and microbial activity, and contributing to carbon sequestration in the soil. Overall, humic substances improve soil health and plant productivity without negative effects.

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Farmer Examines Soil

Why Should You Apply Humates?

  • HIGHER YIELDS: Humates lead to higher crop yields and better-quality produce.
  • BETTER SOIL HEALTH: Humic substances help create healthier, more fertile soil with a balanced pH, supporting robust plant growth.
  • REDUCED CHEMICAL INPUTS: With improved soil health, the need for synthetic fertilizers is reduced, promoting more profitable, eco-friendly farming practices.

We Can Help.

As the world leader in humic solutions, we offer the industry’s most extensive line of dry and liquid products. Connect with one of our regional sales representatives today.

Case Studies

Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Cotton Lint Yield
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Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Cotton Lint Yield

Conducted by: Bruce Kirksey, PhD, Agricenter International, Memphis, Tenn. Huma® Product: Huma Pro® Mix Background Scientific research shows that humic and fulvic acids are biostimulants—enhancing nutrient availability and uptake, improving plant root growth and mass, and impacting both crop yield and quality. Humic acid products are not all the same. They are marketed in solid

Humic Products Increase Soybean Yield In Iowa
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Humic Products Increase Soybean Yield In Iowa

Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc., have on soybean yield.

Humic Products Increase Iowa Corn Yield
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Humic Products Increase Iowa Corn Yield

Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc. have on corn yield.

Huma Pro® Stimulates Rhizophagy Cycle of Microbes to Increase Root Growth
09.27.2023 Fall Fertilizer

Huma Pro® Stimulates Rhizophagy Cycle of Microbes to Increase Root Growth

Objective  The purpose of this research project was to evaluate how humic acids stimulate microbial activity and initiation of the rhizophagy cycle (in which plants cultivate microbes on their roots and then absorb them to extract their nutrients). Huma® Huma Pro®, a liquid 6% humic acid product, was used as the humic acid biostimulant source. 

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