Huma: The First Name in Humates

Huma: The First Name in Humates2024-08-05T18:09:54+00:00

What are Humates?

Think of them as nature’s ancient compost; the carbon-rich remains of prehistoric plants. Humates are organic compounds formed from decomposed plant matter. Humic substances are a complex blend of humic and fulvic acids, along with humin, extracted from lignites, leonardites and peats.

Humate wall

How do Humates help crops?

Humates are nature’s most powerful biostimulants. They stimulate plant photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and absorption, and antioxidant production to combat environmental stress. By stimulating fine root production and increasing root exudates, humates improve soil organic matter and boost populations of microbes to enhance crop growth. 


You Asked, We Answered.

Are Humates Eco-Friendly?2024-07-31T19:34:42+00:00

Humates dramatically reduce your dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. By improving soil health, humates can reduce application rates and enhance crop input performance.  They also act as a natural carbon sink to improve carbon sequestration and reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

How Do Humates Improve Crop Health?2024-07-31T19:33:45+00:00

Humates naturally improve the bioavailability of nutrients by increasing both the energy available and the concentration of nutrient transporters. This ensures plants receive nutrients on time for optimal growth, leading to a better quality produce.  

They influence plant growth hormones and provide free radicals to plant cells, which have positive effects on seed germination, root initiation, and plant growth in general. These metabolic improvements result in increased polysaccharides (sugar) production within the plant which gives added strength and stability to mitigate diseases and insect pressure.

How Do Humates Improve Soil Health?2024-07-31T19:32:36+00:00

Humates work wonders in the soil. Humic and fulvic acids stimulate the fine root production of crops and enhances the release of a rich mixture of carbon-based root exudates. When these excessive fine roots die, they are consumed by microbes. This boosts beneficial microbial populations and adds carbon to the soil. By indirectly stimulating the microbes, humic substances create a favorable environment for the soil to heal, nourish, and thrive continuously.   

Humates play a major role in improving soil structure, boosting soil fertility, and promoting better aeration and water-holding capacities. Excessive use of tillage, synthetic chemicals and monocropping destroys microbial ecosystems and damages soil structure and texture. Applying humic substances can reverse these negative effects. 

Additionally, humates increase soil porosity, making it easier for roots to penetrate the soil and access air, water, and nutrients. This enhances water infiltration and helps break up compacted or clustered soil. By creating a hospitable environment for plant roots and beneficial microbes, humic substances lay the foundation for better yields and sustainable agriculture.

Farmer Examines Soil

Why Should You Apply Humates?

  • HIGHER YIELDS: Humates lead to higher crop yields and better-quality produce.
  • BETTER SOIL HEALTH: Humic substances help create healthier, more fertile soil with a balanced pH, supporting robust plant growth.
  • REDUCED CHEMICAL INPUTS: With improved soil health, the need for synthetic fertilizers is reduced, promoting more profitable, eco-friendly farming practices.

We Can Help.

As the world leader in humic solutions, we offer the industry’s most extensive line of dry and liquid products. Connect with one of our regional sales representatives today.

Case Studies

Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Cotton Lint Yield
06.12.2024 Case Studies

Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Cotton Lint Yield

Conducted by: Bruce Kirksey, PhD, Agricenter International, Memphis, Tenn. Huma® Product: Huma Pro® Mix Background Scientific research shows that humic and fulvic acids are biostimulants—enhancing nutrient availability and uptake, improving plant root growth and mass, and impacting both crop yield and quality. Humic acid products are not all the same. They are marketed in solid...

Humic Products Increase Soybean Yield In Iowa
11.21.2023 Case Studies

Humic Products Increase Soybean Yield In Iowa

Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc., have on soybean yield....

Humic Products Increase Iowa Corn Yield
11.21.2023 Case Studies

Humic Products Increase Iowa Corn Yield

Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc. have on corn yield....

Huma Pro® Stimulates Rhizophagy Cycle of Microbes to Increase Root Growth
09.27.2023 Fall Fertilizer

Huma Pro® Stimulates Rhizophagy Cycle of Microbes to Increase Root Growth

Objective  The purpose of this research project was to evaluate how humic acids stimulate microbial activity and initiation of the rhizophagy cycle (in which plants cultivate microbes on their roots and then absorb them to extract their nutrients). Huma® Huma Pro®, a liquid 6% humic acid product, was used as the humic acid biostimulant source. ...


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