OM 2-6 mm
Benefits of Use:
- Uniform granular size promotes even coverage/distribution of humic/fulvic acid forsustainable carbon benefit
- Long-term soil organic-matter building
- Increased water penetration
- Increased flocculation of clays
- Promotes conversion of fertilizer into plant-available food
- Increases soil nutrient mineralization
- Sustainable soil microbial activation
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Huma® and Zia Pueblo Farm Corn Project
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Huma® Improves Alfalfa Quality In the Southwest
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Huma® Products on Sugar Cane Result in 14x Less P and 32x Less K Required, Plus Increased Yield and Net Return
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Our Humic Advantage
Humic substances, among the most wondrous products of nature, are the recycled essential residues of life. Plants harvest the sun’s energy and create life from that energy plus the carbon and oxygen they pull out of the air and the minerals they pull out of the soil. When plants die, all of their components are