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Huma® OM Liquid HA 16 With Micro Carbon Technology® Improves Spring Wheat Yield With 60% Increased ROI
Background Humic substances have been shown to improve crop yield. Solid and liquid forms of humic substances with high levels of organic acids can be produced by incorporating Micro Carbon Technology®. Some are suitable for conventional and others for organic farming. Huma® OM Liquid HA 16, OMRI-Listed for organic farming, is a liquid form of
Huma® Fertil Soil® Increases Corn Yield With 260% ROI
Background Application of Fertil Soil® to soils in combination with other Huma® fertilizers at various locations previously resulted in crops with improved plant growth and higher yields. Applying Fertil Soil® with grower standard products or as a single product application to soil and leaves could also impact results. Objective The focus of this study was
Fertil Humus® Soil Amendment Trial for Water Infiltration
Objective This field trial assessed the benefits of moisture infiltration enhancement that may be provided by the product Fertil Humus® at selected rates and timings. Materials & Methods The plot site selected for this trial was located in the southern portion of the Columbia Basin in Washington State. The Russet Burbank potato field was pivot-irrigated
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Is ROI still king? Return on investment has long been the primary measure for evaluating product purchase decisions by farmers. The concept seems straightforward: a product delivers x amount more of yield or weight, you multiply the additional yield by the price you receive for your crop, then subtract the cost of the product. That’s how
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