ps-mct-sliderProbiotic Solutions® products are manufactured with our exclusive, proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® that consists of very small carbon-rich molecules. These ultra-fine molecules help efficiently reduce biosolids, improve settleability and promote dissolved oxygen.  This high efficiency rate allows you to improve your results while lowering your inputs and can lead to a huge savings!

This unique combination of natural ingredients, ultra-fine molecules and processing techniques produces the most advanced solutions available on the market today. Probiotic Solutions® line of products has a solution to address almost every need when it comes to finding an innovative wastewater or environmental solution for your needs.  And, our Micro Carbon Technology™ consistently delivers better results with lower input costs, leading to a better bottom line…naturally.


About the Author

Larry Cooper

Director, Sustainability & Knowledge Management, Huma, Inc. Lifelong learner, master gardener, rescuer of greyhounds, grandpa. Once served detention for placing ecology flag on top of his high school.

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