Promax® (T&O)

Benefits of Use:

  • Inhibits nematode activity
  • Provides excellent control of fungal diseases in soils 
  • Activates natural defense mechanisms in plants 
  • Safe for crops, humans, and the environment 
  • Fungicidal effect against all types of fungal spores 
  • Product’s natural chemistry has no documented cross-resistance 
  • Cost-effective performance
  • Fast-acting upon contact
  • Restricted Entry Interval (REI): 0 days
  • Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI): 0 days


Broad-Spectrum Soil Fungicide and Nematicide 

Huma® Promax® is an OMRI-Listed, EPA-exempt crop protection product. It is a protective and curative pesticide recommended for control of plant parasitic nematodes and soil-borne diseases. 

The mode of action is as a contact killer. There is no restricted use, so it can be applied throughout the entire growing season. 

Integrated Pest Management: 

Promax® is formulated to deliver maximum performance while minimizing residual effects. PROMAX® is compatible with most insecticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers; therefore, it is considered as an ideal product in tank mix strategies and in rotation programs. 

Active Ingredients 

Thyme Oil…………………………………………………………………3.5% 

Inert Ingredients*…………………………………………………. 96.5% 

Total Ingredients……………………………………………….. 100.0% 

*Contains water, molasses, glycerin 

Physical Properties: 

Form: Liquid 

Appearance: Hazy to opaque brown, having a unique characteristic odor. 

Weight: 9.10 lb/gal, 1.09 kg/L 

pH: 5.0–6.0 

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