BHN Operation Team Message from BHN_Vimeo on Vimeo.
At Bio Huma Netics, Inc., our Operations Team realizes the incredible challenges that are in the world today, and we are doing everything in our power to better serve you.
From the start of the crises, our Team has focused on keeping our employees, customers, families, and communities safe while putting into place safe practices to ensure that we can provide for you, our customers, the products you need in a timely manner.
Despite the stay-at-home orders now in place in both Arizona and New Mexico, our production facilities are currently operating at full capacity, and we are working tirelessly to ensure that our high-quality BHN products can reach you in a timely manner, free of contamination. We are not currently aware of any disruption in our supply chain, and we have adequate inventory of our products for our customers and their needs.
Our Sales and Customer Service teams are fully trained to serve your needs. Your business is very important to us, and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. If we can assist you in any way, please contact us and we will do our best to listen and help. Without you, we would no longer have the food, water, and beautiful outdoor areas that we enjoy on a daily basis.
We are confident that, together, we will get through these challenging times and emerge stronger than before.
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