K Hume OM
Benefits of Use:
- Uniform granular size promotes even coverage/distribution of humic/fulvic acid for short-term carbon benefit
- With the potassium coating, becomes a short-term soil organic-matter builder
- Increased water penetration
- Increased flocculation of clays
- Promotes conversion of fertilizer into plant-available food
- Increases soil nutrient mineralization
- Short-term soil microbial activation
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K-Hume OM
K Hume OM — is a 60%-70% humic and fulvic acid combined with potassium hydroxide to make an excellent soil conditioner. Improved solubility (76% soluble) speeds activity in the soil for enhanced microbial uptake.
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Humate Application Rates
HIGHER YIELDS: Humates lead to higher crop yields and better-quality produce. BETTER SOIL HEALTH: Humic substances help create healthier, more fertile soil with a balanced pH, supporting robust plant growth. REDUCED CHEMICAL INPUTS: With
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Humic Products Increase Soybean Yield In Iowa
Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc., have on soybean yield.
Humic Products Increase Iowa Corn Yield
Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc. have on corn yield.
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