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Humic Products Increase Soybean Yield In Iowa
Background Scientific research shows humic and fulvic acids can have a biostimulant effect on plant root growth and mass, nutrient availability and uptake, and crop yield and quality. Objective The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the immediate effects that three types of humic products from Huma®, Inc., have on soybean yield.
OM 3-2-4 and OM Micros Liquid Fertilizers Increase Organic Cantaloupe Yield 120%
Summary In this study of Huma® organic macronutrient (OM 3-2-4) and micronutrient (OM Micros) liquid products compared with a grower’s standard treatment on organic cantaloupes applied under field conditions in Arizona, the Huma® organic treatments powered by a proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® resulted in a 120% yield increase with a 3-to-1 return on investment (ROI).
Huma® and Zia Pueblo Farm Corn Project
Background Many small-scale farms (1-2 acres each) are established in Zia Pueblo community near San Ysidro, New Mexico. Huma® Inc. was asked to establish an experimental farm in the tribal community that could demonstrate the usage of beneficial agricultural inputs producing high-yield crop and preserving the health of the soil. Huma® humic-based products stimulate plant
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