Dr. Rita Abi-Ghanem, Senior Director of Research & Development at Bio Huma Netics, Inc., has been selected to speak as part of a Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) panel discussion on Leadership at the 2019 International Soils Meeting, “Soils Across Latitudes, on January 8, 2019, in San Diego, California. Dr. Abi-Ghanem will be representing an Industry perspective. Other panelists include Dr. Johannes Bouma, Emeritus Professor of Soil Science, Wageningen University, Netherlands (International); Dr. Alfred Hartemink, Professor of Soil Science and Dept. Chair, University of Wisconsin, Madison (Academia); Dr. Ole Wendroth, SSSA Incoming President-Elect, Professor at University of Kentucky (SSSA); and Dr. David Lindbo, Director of Soil Science Division, United States Department of Agriculture (Government).
The panel discussion will be held at 10:30 a.m. until 12 noon on Tuesday at the Sheraton Hotel, Spinnaker 1. The discussion will be focused on professional leadership skills needed by students, post-docs, and early career members.
Dr. Abi-Ghanem—a native of Lebanon and a Fulbright Scholar who earned her doctorate in Soil Science from Washington State University—was honored earlier this year when she was selected for two 40-Under-40 awards sponsored by The Phoenix Business Journal and jointly by the editors of Fruit Growers News and Vegetable Growers News. She was previously presented with the Association for International Agriculture 2016 Young Professional Award. She has been Senior Director of Research & Development for Bio Huma Netics, Inc., since 2014.
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