Huma Fertil Humus: Soil Fertility Product
A 24-0-0 liquid fertilizer for building soil humus. Aids in the decomposition of organic materials in the soil. Increase soil water retention and buffer plants from chemical residue in the soil
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Zero-Residue Crop Protection
Huma® Zero-Residue Crop Protection products have had great success in treating disease-infested fields and soils. Our OMRI-Listed pesticides use natural materials (such as essential oils, proteins, minerals, etc.) to control nematodes, fungi, and insects. Use
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Chili Farmer Performs Field Trials with Organic Pesticide
Chili Farmer Chip Spear of Luna County New Mexico runs field trials using Huma Gro Promax biopesticide. OMRI-listed Promax effectively treats nematodes and soil disease and is safe enough to use throughout the growing season,
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Soil Surfactant Surf-Max™ Demonstration A-3: Golf Course Hydration
Dr. Johann Buck demonstrates the effectiveness of SURF-MAX™, the Huma Gro® Turf soil surfactant on golf course turf.
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