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Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Cotton Lint Yield
Conducted by: Bruce Kirksey, PhD, Agricenter International, Memphis, Tenn. Huma® Product: Huma Pro® Mix Background Scientific research shows that humic and fulvic acids are biostimulants—enhancing nutrient availability and uptake, improving plant root growth and mass, and impacting both crop yield and quality. Humic acid products are not all the same. They are marketed in solid
Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Corn Yield
Conducted by: Bruce Kirksey, PhD, Agricenter International, Memphis, Tenn. Huma® Product: Huma Pro® Mix Background Scientific research shows that humic and fulvic acids are biostimulants—enhancing nutrient availability and uptake, improving plant root growth and mass, and impacting both crop yield and quality. Humic acid products are not all the same. They are marketed in solid
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Yesterday was the 110th birthday of the greatest agriculturalist of all time, Norman Borlaug. The Cresco, Iowa, native’s ground-breaking work to prevent hunger is said to have “saved more lives than any other person who ever lived.” That would be more than one billion lives, according to estimates.
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National Ag Day: Celebrating the Trusted Voices of Agriculture
Trust in the mass media has eroded to new lows. A recent Gallup poll reveals that 69% of Americans have very little to no trust in the media. Over the past five decades, the number of people who place a great deal/fair amount of trust in the media has plummeted 40 points. It’s dropped 12 points in the past five years. Fortunately, this is not the case with agricultural media.