K Hume OM
Benefits of Use:
- Uniform granular size promotes even coverage/distribution of humic/fulvic acid for short-term carbon benefit
- With the potassium coating, becomes a short-term soil organic-matter builder
- Increased water penetration
- Increased flocculation of clays
- Promotes conversion of fertilizer into plant-available food
- Increases soil nutrient mineralization
- Short-term soil microbial activation
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K-Hume OM
K Hume OM — is a 60%-70% humic and fulvic acid combined with potassium hydroxide to make an excellent soil conditioner. Improved solubility (76% soluble) speeds activity in the soil for enhanced microbial uptake.
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Humate Application Rates
HIGHER YIELDS: Humates lead to higher crop yields and better-quality produce. BETTER SOIL HEALTH: Humic substances help create healthier, more fertile soil with a balanced pH, supporting robust plant growth. REDUCED CHEMICAL INPUTS: With
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Humic Products Increase Iowa Corn Yield
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