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Huma® MicroMate Humic Acid Makes More Blooms, Faster, on Commercial Petunias
Objective Speeding up the maturity timing of flowers and having more flowers on commercial ornamental plants will make them more marketable and help flower growers produce more potted flower plants per year. The focus of this study was to assess the effects of a natural humic product from Huma® called Micromate on the speed of
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“What are you planting this year?” That may not sound like a trick question, considering it’s already mid-March. But ask any farmer south of the Mason-Dixon line that question and you’ll likely see their shoulders shrug. You see, unlike in the West, where permanent crops and processor contracts make planting decisions more straight-forward, or in the
BHN Acquires Warehouse in Tempe
By Lyndon Smith, President and CEOBio Huma Netics, Inc. I’m excited to share that Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) has acquired an additional building in Arizona. It’s a significant milestone for us that not only testifies to the continual progress we’re making as a company but will also serve as a building block for future
This Week in Ag #39
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