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Huma® MicroMate Humic Acid Makes More Blooms, Faster, on Commercial Petunias
Objective Speeding up the maturity timing of flowers and having more flowers on commercial ornamental plants will make them more marketable and help flower growers produce more potted flower plants per year. The focus of this study was to assess the effects of a natural humic product from Huma® called Micromate on the speed of
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Joel Reid: Humates for Increased Phosphorus Availability
Humic substances in the soil are well known for increasing availability of plant-necessary nutrients (Pettit, 2012). Of the multitude of these nutrients, phosphorus is of paramount importance in many aspects of the growth phases and fruit/grain production of the food crops we raise worldwide. In many cases, phosphorus is an element that is rather immobile
This Week in Ag #41
This is American agriculture’s big week – Thanksgiving! Our celebration of food takes center stage on family dining tables from sea to shining sea. Not only do we honor the 1% who currently feed us, we also reflect upon the many contributions of the original American agriculturalists, our Native Americans. For starters, they saved the Pilgrims from starvation during their first years in the New World. The Wamponoag tribe utilized their famous “Three Sisters” cropping practice: corn, beans and squash.
Reniform Nematodes: A Hidden Menace in Modern Agriculture
By Mojtaba Zaifnejad, Ph.D.Sr. Director of Field Research and Technical Services,Huma, Inc. In my previous article on nematodes, I described the general topic of nonparasitic and parasitic nematodes. In this segment the focus will be on a specific plant parasitic nematode – Reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis). We will delve into the intriguing world of reniform