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Huma® Fertilizer Products Increase Cucumber Yields at ROI of 113%
Objective The purpose of this research project was to evaluate how Huma® liquid fertilizer products with Micro Carbon Technology® affect cucumber yield when compared with a control program of grower’s standard fertilizer. Materials & Methods This study was conducted at the Southeast Ag Research facilities in Chula, Ga. The experiment was conducted with four replicates....
Huma® Products on Sugar Cane Result in 14x Less P and 32x Less K Required, Plus Increased Yield and Net Return
Background Humates and plant growth stimulators can positively influence a crop such as sugar cane to produce a higher yield. Objective The focus of this study was to observe how fall application of Huma® products Fertil Soil®, a source of soil nutrients and humates, and Breakout®, which stimulates growth, would affect sugar cane production. The...
Huma Pro® Mix, pH-Stable Liquid Humic Acid Product, Increases Cotton Lint Yield
Conducted by: Bruce Kirksey, PhD, Agricenter International, Memphis, Tenn. Huma® Product: Huma Pro® Mix Background Scientific research shows that humic and fulvic acids are biostimulants—enhancing nutrient availability and uptake, improving plant root growth and mass, and impacting both crop yield and quality. Humic acid products are not all the same. They are marketed in solid...
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