Turf and Ornamental Products
At Huma® Turf and Ornamental, we have dry and liquid-based turf and ornamental fertilizers and specialty products to cover a wide array of turf and soil needs, ensuring that growers are able to maintain even, consistent results and vibrant color. Most of our liquid products contain ultra-efficient Micro Carbon Technology® which means you can now do more with less product.

Gro-Power 5-3-1
Gro-Power® 5-3-1 is both a fertilizer and soil conditioner to help produce an environment in which the plant can achieve maximum results. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, plus micronutrients are all included to help feed the plant.
Gro-Power Plus 5-3-1
Gro-Power® Plus 5-3-1 is both a fertilizer and soil conditioner to help produce an environment in which the plant can achieve maximum results. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, plus micronutrients are all included to help feed the plant.
Huma® Promax® is an OMRI-Listed, EPA-exempt crop protection product. It is a protective and curative pesticide recommended for control of plant parasitic nematodes and soil-borne diseases. The mode of action is as a contact killer. There is no restricted use,...
Super Potassium®
Huma® Super Potassium®, carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, is a potassium source that can be foliar-applied, according to label directions, without the risk of phytotoxicity. It can also be soil-applied for potassium uptake while keeping it stable in the root zone. Super Potassium®...
Super Phos®
Huma® Super Phos®, carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, can be foliar-applied, according to label directions, without the risk of phytotoxicity. When soil-applied, it keeps phosphate available and soluble in the soil solution for rapid uptake by plant roots without being...
Huma® Zap carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology® is an organic-based formulation of nutrients for feeding the native beneficial soil microbial balance. Zap® feeds a strong, vigorous soil biology resulting in the natural management of soil pathogens and parasitic nematodes.
Huma® Breakout® is a unique blend of foliar nutrients, polysaccharides, and carbohydrates engineered to promote horizontal turf growth, build a stronger root system, and develop healthier turf. Micro Carbon Technology® is included to ensure better deliverability of nutrients to plants.
Huma® Calcium, carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, ensures maximum calcium uptake and translocation within the plant. Calcium is a required nutrient for cellular strength and growth that reduces the risk of fungal diseases.
Super Nitro®
Huma® Super Nitro®, carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, is a nitrogen source that can be foliar-applied, according to label directions, without the risk of phytotoxicity. It can also be soil-applied for nitrogen release while keeping it stable in the root...
Proud 3®
Huma® Proud 3® is an OMRI-Listed crop protection product. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide, miticide, and fungicide with on-contact and some local systemic activity. Safe for all plants when used as directed. For use on all food or nonfood crops. It controls pests...
Max Pak®
Huma® Max Pak® is a liquid micronutrient formulation containing an organically complexed, highly stable source of many important micronutrients for a balanced microbial ecosystem. Max Pak® is salt buffered and formulated with Micro Carbon Technology® to ensure maximum uptake of nutrients by microorganisms.
K Hume OM
Huma® K Hume® OM is a natural humic and fulvic acid product processed from naturally occurring, oxidized humic substances. Humic and fulvic acids add organic matter to soils—which stimulates soil microbial life and soil fertility, enhances plant nutrient availability and uptake, improves root...
Case Studies
Huma® Liquid Sili-Max® Improves Wheat Yield at Much Higher Efficiency Than Conventional Dry Silicon Fertilizers
Objective The objective of this study was to compare, for use in Louisiana wheat production, the efficacy of a liquid silicon (Si) fertilizer (Huma® Sili-Max®) with a commonly used dry Si source (steel slag) and another Si source (wollastonite) often used in research as a suspension. Silica deposition is an important barrier for foliar fungal
Huma® Improves Alfalfa Quality In the Southwest
Background All Huma® Inc. products are based on extractions of humic substances and other materials that can stimulate plant growth and improve crop quality. Objective The objective of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying Huma® products, specifically Encapsalt®, Super Phos®, Max Pak®, 44 Mag,® Vitol®, Super Nitro®, Breakout®, Fertil Soil®, Iro-Max®,
Huma® Improves Alfalfa Soil Biology In the Southwest
Background Industrial agriculture can degrade soil quality for crops by altering the total living microbial biomass of soil. Many practices and beneficial ag products have been introduced to the market to improve soil quality. Some of these products are humic substance-based products. Objective The objective of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying
Featured Blogs
Microorganisms: The Living Engine of Soil—Part 2
In Part 2 of this series, we look at Plant-Microbial Interactions.
Microorganisms: The Living Engine of Soil—Part 1
In this series, we discuss the many important roles that soil microorganisms play in producing fertile soil and healthy crops.