
So how does humic acid work with manure?

Humic acid can enhance soil carbon content by stimulating plant growth and microbial activity. Humic substances promote more root exudates and fine roots, which, along with microbial decomposition, contribute carbon to the soil. When combined with manure, it's important to manage the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio carefully. If the ratio is too low, microbes may deplete

By |2024-12-16T16:42:03-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on So how does humic acid work with manure?

If my soil already has a lot of organic matter, how will humates help?

Even if your soil has high organic matter, humates can still help by reducing plant stress. However, for better results, it's recommended to use foliar applications rather than soil applications. In soils with high organic matter, humic substances can bind together and become less effective in the soil. Foliar application ensures better uptake and

By |2024-12-16T16:42:23-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on If my soil already has a lot of organic matter, how will humates help?

How often do I need to apply humates?

How often you need to apply humates depends on your goals. For immediate results, liquid applications (via foliar or soil) can be done several times throughout the year. For longer-term effects, solid applications to the soil are recommended, as they can last 2-3 years. The exact duration of effects is still being studied. Click

By |2024-12-16T16:35:00-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on How often do I need to apply humates?

How can humic acid stabilize nitrogen?

Humic substances can stabilize nitrogen by binding to ammonium and nitrate. At a pH of 7-9, the negative charges in humic acids (from carboxylic and phenolic groups) can bind to ammonium ions. Nitrate can also bind through divalent cations. However, urea, being neutral, cannot be bound by humic substances. This ability helps improve nitrogen

By |2024-12-16T16:30:33-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on How can humic acid stabilize nitrogen?

Does my soil type matter when it comes to applying humates?

Yes, soil type can affect the performance of humates. A USDA study found that in dry years with low rainfall, humic substances improved productivity across different soil types. However, in wetter years, the benefits were more noticeable in poorly-drained soils. Humic substances generally act as a form of "insurance," boosting plant resilience to stress.

By |2024-12-16T16:29:02-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on Does my soil type matter when it comes to applying humates?

So how does my soil pH affect how my humates work?

The effect of pH on humic substances depends on the application. In soil, pH can influence humic molecule behavior, especially in calcareous soils with high calcium and magnesium, which can bind to humic acids. However, plants maintain a pH of around 5.5 in the rhizosphere (the soil around the roots), meaning that once humic

By |2024-12-16T16:27:44-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on So how does my soil pH affect how my humates work?

I keep hearing about humic acid and fulvic acid, but what’s the difference?

Humic substances are divided into three fractions: humic acids, fulvic acids, and the humate fraction. The key difference between them lies in their solubility in water. Humic acids are soluble in alkaline solutions but insoluble in acidic conditions, while fulvic acids are soluble across all pH levels. The humate fraction is insoluble and remains

By |2024-12-16T16:23:33-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on I keep hearing about humic acid and fulvic acid, but what’s the difference?

What’s the difference between liquid humates and dry humates?

Liquid humate products, extracted from soft coal materials, typically contain 4% to 18% humic acid and can be applied both to soil and foliage. These products are versatile, offering immediate bioavailability for rapid plant response. In contrast, dry products, including micronized coal mixed with potassium hydroxide, are primarily for soil use and provide longer-term

By |2024-12-16T16:22:54-07:00December 16th, 2024||Comments Off on What’s the difference between liquid humates and dry humates?

How do humates work in fields?

Humic substances act as plant biostimulants by inducing metabolic reprogramming, which enhances photosynthesis and energy production (ATP) for improved productivity. They also promote the development of a more branched root system, increasing the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients. The combined effect of more efficient photosynthesis and nutrient uptake boosts overall plant growth

By |2024-12-16T16:18:04-07:00November 21st, 2024||Comments Off on How do humates work in fields?

What exactly are humates?

Humic substances are carbon-rich materials formed primarily through microbial decomposition of dead plant matter, a process called humification, carried out by bacteria and fungi. These substances are found in soils, compost, peats, water, and various types of coals, which differ based on the conditions of peat formation, such as vegetation, climate, and geological processes.

By |2024-12-16T16:12:48-07:00November 21st, 2024||Comments Off on What exactly are humates?
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