Golden Pro®

Benefits of Use:

  • Increased fruit size and quality
  • Improved uniformity of fruit size
  • Improved sugar levels (Brix)

When to Apply: 

  • To improve fruit shape and size
  • To improve insufficient levels of N, P, K, and calcium
  • To increase sugar levels in fruit


The Solution for Improved Fruit Sizing and Quality 

Huma® Golden Pro®, carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, is a unique formulation that provides plants with the nutrients to feed the metabolic processes necessary for fruit sizing and improved quality and yield. Golden Pro® enables N-P-K and calcium to be combined in a stable nutrient formulation that is effective and efficient while maintaining individual characteristics of each element. 

Guaranteed Analysis 


Total Nitrogen (N) ……………………………………………5.0% 

5.0% Nitrate Nitrogen 

Available Phosphate (P2O5)…………………………..23.0% 

Soluble Potash (K2O)……………………………………….4.0% 

Calcium (Ca)…………………………………………………….4.0% 

Derived From: 

Phosphoric Acid, Potassium Nitrate, and 

Calcium Nitrate. 

Also contains beneficial substances: 

0.1% Organic Matter (derived from humic substances) 

Physical Properties: 

Form: Liquid 

Appearance: Clear to slightly hazy, greenishgold, having a slight characteristic odor. 

Weight: 12.52 lb/gal, 1.50 kg/L 

pH: ≤ 1.0 

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