What makes X-Tend® sustainable?
X-Tend® is a nutrient stabilizer made from natural raw materials like humates. This reduces your reliance on synthetic chemicals, helping you grow sustainability.
X-Tend® is a nutrient stabilizer made from natural raw materials like humates. This reduces your reliance on synthetic chemicals, helping you grow sustainability.
X-Tend® offers the best ROI and is a sustainable alternative. It is not a urease inhibitor, but an effective nutrient stabilizer. Also half the cost of Agrotain and provides comparable or better yields.
Yes! X-Tend® is simple to use. Just mix it with your urea, DAP, MAP, Potash fertilizers or liquid N-P-K solutions or crop protection products, and it’s ready to go. Can also add into the spray tank just before heading out to the field.
Yes, X-Tend® and X-Tend® B are the same formulations, with the only difference being a blue dye added to X-Tend® for easy identification upon application.
X-Tend® can help you save up to 10% on your fertilizer costs, also at 50% of the cost compared to Agrotain, with no compromise in performance.
Humic substances act as plant biostimulants by inducing metabolic reprogramming, which enhances photosynthesis and energy production (ATP) for improved productivity. They also promote the development of a more branched root system, increasing the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients. The combined effect of more efficient photosynthesis and nutrient uptake boosts overall plant growth
Humic substances are carbon-rich materials formed primarily through microbial decomposition of dead plant matter, a process called humification, carried out by bacteria and fungi. These substances are found in soils, compost, peats, water, and various types of coals, which differ based on the conditions of peat formation, such as vegetation, climate, and geological processes.
Humic substances create beneficial stress (eustress) in crops, enhancing photosynthesis, root development, and nutrient and water uptake, helping plants better withstand stress and boosting productivity. They also improve soil health by promoting root exudates that stimulate microbial activity, increase soil water content, and enhance soil structure. These microbes add carbon to the soil when
Humates can be applied with cover crops, even mixed with the seed in a broadcast application. They enhance the fertility and hardiness of cover crops and when applied with fertilizers they benefit the cover crop as well as the following crop during the growing season.
Humates help in stimulating the root zone, improving the flocculation of clays and improving the aeration of soils. All of these processes aid in improving the water holding capacity, water penetration and aeration of soil. Humates also strengthen the plant through the stresses of both drought and flooding conditions.