
Do Humates Work Well with Cover Crops?

Humates can be applied with cover crops, even mixed with the seed in a broadcast application. They enhance the fertility and hardiness of cover crops and when applied with fertilizers they benefit the cover crop as well as the following crop during the growing season.

By |2024-08-01T17:48:31+00:00August 1st, 2024||Comments Off on Do Humates Work Well with Cover Crops?

Can Humates Improve Soil’s Water Holding Capacity?

Humates help in stimulating the root zone, improving the flocculation of clays and improving the aeration of soils. All of these processes aid in improving the water holding capacity, water penetration and aeration of soil. Humates also strengthen the plant through the stresses of both drought and flooding conditions.

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Are Humates OMRI Certified?

Raw Humates are considered to be organic by most certifiers including OMRI. However, during certain processes (water solubles, additives for stability, liquid extractions, etc.) they may lose their organic certifications.

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When Is the Best Time to Apply Humates?

We recommend applying raw humates in the Fall. This allows the humates to break down over the winter and boost soil tilth before planting the next Spring. That being said, the very best time to apply humates is now! With a variety of products ranging from raw humates to extracted liquids, we can customize

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Will Humates Help with Toxic Residues?

Yes, humates can help alleviate crop stress caused by heavy metals and excessive pesticides in the soil. They can also help eliminate tied-up nutrients and aid with the decomposition of toxic substances.

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Do Humates Work in High Crop Residue Environments?

Humates are significantly beneficial in no-till and minimum till systems. They facilitate the decomposition of organic residues in soils and increase the recycling of nutrients tied up in organic matter. Liquid and soluble powder forms of humates may provide a stronger response than raw humates.

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I Have High Organic Matter Soils, Will Humates Still Be Beneficial?

Yes, adding humates can further improve soil rich in organic matter. Humates have a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and will enhance soil’s microbial, chemical, and physical properties. The biostimulant effect of the humates will be the key driving factor. Much of the high organic matter soils have tied up nutrients and adding humates

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