Super Phos (HE)
Benefits of Use:
- Helps to meet BOD:P ratio of 100:1
- Improved phosphate bioavailability and uptake. Super Phos® is many times more bioavailable than regular phosphorous compounds because Micro Carbon Technology® molecules protect it from tying up with other ions in water.
- Stimulation of biological activity for enhanced COD/BOD removal.
- Enhanced biological species diversity for better settleability.
- Improved natural floc formation.
- Improved SVI and SV30 for better, cleaner decant.
- Decreased phosphate levels in the effluent stream. Because Super Phos® is more bioavailable less phosphorus is applied, resulting in lower discharges. Typically, one-fourth to one-tenth the amount of Super Phos® is used when compared with common-grade phosphoric acid nutrients.
- Reduced material costs, easier handling, and improved treatment performance.
Problem Conditions Improved:
- Formation of insoluble phosphorous precipitates
- Foaming caused by filamentous bacteria
- Excess sludge production
- Excess phosphorus levels in effluent
- Settleability concerns
- Tankage/Storage concerns
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