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Mid South Stories From The Field
Huma Gro® farming products increase yields; bring life into the soil; reduce soil salinity; treat chemical damage and water damage from flooding; stimulate plant growth; and strengthen plants against pests and disease. Farmers in
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Huma X-Tend: Organic Acid Product
A 6-2-0 Liquid Carbon Formulation for improving fertilizer efficiency in the soil. When added to other products, X-Tend acts as a carrier. Get more from your fertilizer with X-Tend.
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Huma® Improves Alfalfa Quality In the Southwest
Background All Huma® Inc. products are based on extractions of humic substances and other materials that can stimulate plant growth and improve crop quality. Objective The objective of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying Huma® products, specifically Encapsalt®, Super Phos®, Max Pak®, 44 Mag,® Vitol®, Super Nitro®, Breakout®, Fertil Soil®, Iro-Max®,
Huma® Improves Alfalfa Soil Biology In the Southwest
Background Industrial agriculture can degrade soil quality for crops by altering the total living microbial biomass of soil. Many practices and beneficial ag products have been introduced to the market to improve soil quality. Some of these products are humic substance-based products. Objective The objective of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying
X-Tend® B With Micro Carbon Technology® Improves Barley Yield and Net Income: Year 3
Background Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF) additives can improve crop production. Humates have been shown to improve crop yield. The Huma® EEF additive X-Tend® B is a concentrated Micro Carbon Technology® product derived from humates with high levels of organic acids and nutrients that is formulated to be blended in liquid fertilizers or to be impregnated
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Move over carbon credits, and make room for carbon intensity scores. That’s the sentiment of many in the ag industry. Launched with plenty of fanfare, and hailed by celebrities and politicians alike, carbon credits seemed to represent a modern-day gold rush. Yet we’re multiple years in, and adoption sits at about 1-3% of farmers. Why
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BHN Acquires Warehouse in Tempe
By Lyndon Smith, President and CEOBio Huma Netics, Inc. I’m excited to share that Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) has acquired an additional building in Arizona. It’s a significant milestone for us that not only testifies to the continual progress we’re making as a company but will also serve as a building block for future