
Wastewater Treatment: A Delicate Balance

By Jared Alder, MS The treatment of wastewater is a delicate balance of chemical, biological, and mechanical processes. Treatment operators need to find a happy medium to provide high-quality treatment, while staying within budgets and all the while ensuring they meet environmental compliance. Operators are expected to deal with a constantly varying treatment system, such

By |2023-11-22T22:24:13-07:00July 9th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Wastewater Treatment: A Delicate Balance

Your Wastewater System Runs Smoothly, Until It Doesn’t!

By Heather Jennings, PE The first thing I usually hear from operators is that they don’t have any problems! Everything runs perfectly, all the time, until it doesn’t. Then the heartburn, extra hours, and long days begin. The only other thing as sure as death and taxes for a wastewater system is that it will

By |2023-11-22T22:24:22-07:00July 2nd, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Your Wastewater System Runs Smoothly, Until It Doesn’t!

Chemical Dosing for Phosphorus Removal

By Jared Alder, MS There has been a big focus in domestic wastewater on the removal of phosphorus and the potential for excess phosphorus to cause eutrophication in receiving water. Treatment facilities of all different shapes and sizes with inadequate phosphorus treatment technologies have the potential for excess phosphorus release. The removal of phosphorus from

By |2020-06-26T18:06:28-07:00June 26th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Chemical Dosing for Phosphorus Removal

Get the “P” Out of There!

By Heather Jennings, PE Phosphorus is one of the most abundant elements on earth. It’s essential for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy carrier life is built on. But in excess in our lakes and ponds, we see large algal growths occurring. Many times, these algal blooms suffocate the surrounding aquatic life and or produce toxins

By |2020-06-18T16:27:01-07:00June 18th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Get the “P” Out of There!

Nitrification and Denitrification in Wastewater Activated Sludge

By Heather Jennings, PE The great teeter-totter of wastewater is the nitrification and denitrification cycle in activated sludge wastewater systems. It takes both to convert ammonia to nitrogen gas! Both processes feed off of and support each other but, in some ways, they have competing needs. Nitrification consists of ripping off the hydrogen in ammonia and adding oxygen

By |2023-11-22T22:24:33-07:00June 12th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Nitrification and Denitrification in Wastewater Activated Sludge

Nitrification 101

By Heather Jennings, PE Today we are going to focus on nitrifiers, those wastewater treatment autotrophs that get energy from oxidizing ammonia. (Autotrophs are microorganisms that produce complex organic compounds using inorganic carbon from simple substances as a food source.) Oxidizing ammonia is a fancy way of saying ripping off hydrogens to stick oxygens onto

By |2023-11-22T22:24:45-07:00June 4th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Nitrification 101

The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 8—Tank-Mixing Fertilizers and Other Agrochemicals – Blog

Way too many growers are wasting agrochemical products or making products ineffective or even dangerous due to improper mixing. In Episode 8 of The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast we interview Dr. Mojtaba Zaifnejad, BHN Senior Director of Field Research and Technical Services, and Mr. Jason Garcia, BHN Florida Sales Manager and Agronomist, regarding best

By |2024-04-22T18:05:15-07:00May 22nd, 2020|Blog Post, Editorial, Podcasts|Comments Off on The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 8—Tank-Mixing Fertilizers and Other Agrochemicals – Blog

EARTH DAY 2020: Celebrating 50 Years

Fifty years ago today, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to protest environmental destruction and to celebrate the wonders of Planet Earth. The basic message was that we had to find new ways to live our lives, raise our food, and conduct our businesses that were environmentally friendly and sustainable—that

By |2023-09-25T17:25:57-07:00April 22nd, 2020|Blog Post, Company, Environmental, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on EARTH DAY 2020: Celebrating 50 Years

Reduce the Need for New Treatment Plants

Try our Probiotic Solutions® products before considering building a new treatment plant.  Probiotic Solutions® products are used successfully in wastewater treatment systems to improve water quality and reduce operating costs. Continue reading

By |2023-11-22T22:25:26-07:00April 15th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental, Wastewater|Comments Off on Reduce the Need for New Treatment Plants

Micro Carbon Technology® for a Greener, Cleaner World

Probiotic Solutions® products are manufactured with our exclusive, proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® that consists of very small carbon-rich molecules. These ultra-fine molecules help efficiently reduce biosolids, improve settleability and promote dissolved oxygen. Continue reading

By |2023-11-22T22:25:55-07:00April 15th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|Comments Off on Micro Carbon Technology® for a Greener, Cleaner World
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