
This Week in Ag #35

Last week I was a guest on the TopSoil Webinar series hosted by Mitchell Hora of Continuum Ag (you can check it out here). I mentioned how western growers seem further along in their regenerative agriculture journey. That’s largely driven by regional attitudes and the food companies, who have pledged to sell products grown using regen ag practices. This has motivated growers of crops such as potatoes, onions, apples, and blueberries to hasten their adoption. But in the Heartland, where commodity crops fill the landscape, these growers have lacked many of the market-driven economic incentives. Until now.

By |2024-04-02T20:15:45-07:00October 10th, 2023|Ag News, Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #35

This Week in Ag #34

Earl Butz, one of the most famous and popular US Secretaries of Agriculture, once told me that a key competitive advantage for US farmers in the global marketplace is our built-in natural infrastructure. Our Great Lakes and river system is perfectly designed to transport grain efficiently. The Mississippi River is the backbone of our agricultural transportation system: 60% of all grain exported from the USA is shipped by barge down the Mighty Mississippi.

By |2024-04-02T20:17:16-07:00October 3rd, 2023|Ag News, Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #34

This Week in Ag #33

In commodity crop production, we talk a lot about bushels per acre. Because that’s how farmers get paid. But what exactly does bushels per acre mean? A bushel is the unit of measure we use in the USA (other parts of the world use tons or metric tons) to calculate yield, verify shipments and set pricing standards for crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat, canola, rice and sorghum. There’s a good chance your grandparents had a bushel basket laying around their house, garage, or barn. If you were to fill that basket to the brim with corn, you’d have one bushel’s worth.

By |2024-04-02T20:17:51-07:00September 26th, 2023|Ag News, Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #33

This Week in Ag #32

Everyone remembers where they were on September 11, 2001. One of my most vivid memories was the week after. I was farming with my dad at the time. He had just started cutting soybeans in a field owned by my wife’s family, situated next to Interstate 74 in western Illinois. I was driving to the

By |2024-04-02T20:18:20-07:00September 19th, 2023|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #32

This Week in Ag #31

#Harvest23 is here! If all goes well, I should be harvesting my corn plot this week. The beginning of fall brings excitement and optimism to the farm. But this year, those feelings appear tempered. Farmer sentiment dropped 8 points last month  (according to the Purdue Ag Economy Barometer) as producers shared a dimming view of

By |2024-04-02T20:20:15-07:00September 12th, 2023|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #31

This Week in Ag #30

Labor Day signals the end of summer and ushers in the frolics of fall: football, pumpkin spice, UGG boots (well, maybe not in Arizona), hoodies, weenie roasts, and of course, harvest. When do farmers start harvest? For commodity crops, this is largely dependent upon the crop, the variety, geography, and the size of the farmer.

By |2024-04-02T20:30:46-07:00September 5th, 2023|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #30

Reniform Nematodes: A Hidden Menace in Modern Agriculture

By Mojtaba Zaifnejad, Ph.D.Sr. Director of Field Research and Technical Services,Huma, Inc. In my previous article on nematodes, I described the general topic of nonparasitic and parasitic nematodes. In this segment the focus will be on a specific plant parasitic nematode – Reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis). We will delve into the intriguing world of reniform

By |2023-11-14T14:47:10-07:00August 30th, 2023|Blog Post, Company, Crop Protection, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on Reniform Nematodes: A Hidden Menace in Modern Agriculture

This Week in Ag #29

We all do it. We track time by referencing memorable items that we or our family once possessed. “Back when he drove that blue Silverado”, or “when she had that yellow Labrador” are examples of how we recall events that shaped our lives. For farmers, those points in time are often defined by a tractor.

By |2024-04-02T20:36:53-07:00August 29th, 2023|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #29

This Week in Ag #28

The recent fertilizer market may be best described by two catch phrases: “wait-and-see” and “just in time.” In the fall of 2021, sky-rocketing energy prices pointed toward looming inflation and an inevitable rise in fertilizer prices. Many savvy growers, including those aligned with the regen ag movement, hedged their bets by purchasing crop nutrients that

By |2024-04-02T20:37:39-07:00August 22nd, 2023|Ag News, Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil, Video|Comments Off on This Week in Ag #28
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