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Up to 85% Solids Destruction Achieved Using BIO ENERGIZER®

By Heather Jennings, PE The wastewater treatment facility operators at a city in Missouri wanted better digester performance. They needed a better settling sludge and a higher volume of decants, as well as more room to waste sludge within their existing digesters. The options to dispose of the digested sludge were becoming more and more

By |2023-11-22T22:22:32+00:00November 12th, 2020|Case Studies, Environmental, Wastewater|0 Comments

Anaerobic Digester Saves 42% In Sludge Hauling

by Heather Jennings, PE The case summary described below is an example of how our Bio Energizer® product helped reduce overall solids handling and improved supernatant clarity. It really doesn’t take much Bio Energizer® to reduce solids within your system when the microbial community is stimulated or “kicked into gear” to do their job. Typically,

By |2023-11-22T22:22:42+00:00November 9th, 2020|Case Studies, Environmental, Wastewater|0 Comments

Video: BHN Company Values

In this 4-minute video, BHN President/CEO Lyndon Smith speaks with us about BHN’s Company Values—Integrity, Win-Win-Win, Proactive Innovation, Relentless Pursuit of Excellence—and their impact on how we conduct business, treat our customers, and benefit the world.  

By |2023-10-10T18:50:45+00:00October 28th, 2020|Blog Post, Company, Environmental, Plant & Soil|0 Comments

Use of Biostimulants and Buffers for Upset Recovery in Paper Mill Wastewater Systems

By Heather Jennings, PE Industrial pulp and paper wastewater is considered one of the more challenging waters to treat using biological methods, which depend on microbial activity to effectively remediate the wastewater. Wastewater treatment systems are often influenced/impacted by increased hydraulic and/or COD (chemical oxygen demand) loading as mills add new chemicals or otherwise modify

Where Did the Water Go?

By Jared Alder, MS  In England, it is estimated that around 700 million gallons of water—the equivalent of 1,200 Olympics-size swimming pools—is lost every day to leaks in the country’s vast water system. Often the water just rises out to the pavement and runs down the road. Utilities spend countless hours and a great deal of money and other resources trying to locate the sources of leaks, often tearing up roads multiple times in

By |2020-08-20T21:13:51+00:00August 20th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|0 Comments

Water Master Plans

By Heather Jennings, PE When I worked with engineering firms, there were a lot of water master plans being developed. Many of them were updates, as the plans had been around for 5–10 years and needed revision. Some master plans evaluated water and wastewater systems from scratch. All of these were interesting to me due

By |2020-08-12T18:39:03+00:00August 12th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|0 Comments

Breaking Down COD

By Heather Jennings, PE  When I first came into the water field in the 2000s, the general rule of Chemical Oxygen Demand to Biochemical Oxygen Demand (or COD to BOD5) was 2:1. That was pretty much all you needed to know in order to understand whether something could be treated chemically, physically, or biologically. Now, the wastewater industry has moved toward COD instead of BOD5. The reason that COD is

By |2020-07-27T17:46:57+00:00July 27th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|0 Comments

Love Me Some Lagoons!

By Heather Jennings, PE Of all the wastewater lagoon systems I have been to, I’ve never met the same lagoon twice! Many consider lagoons old tech, but they can be very reliable and more stable treatment systems than many of the more sophisticated systems out there. Lagoons, like any wastewater system, should not be left

By |2020-07-15T22:27:56+00:00July 15th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|0 Comments

Wastewater Treatment: A Delicate Balance

By Jared Alder, MS The treatment of wastewater is a delicate balance of chemical, biological, and mechanical processes. Treatment operators need to find a happy medium to provide high-quality treatment, while staying within budgets and all the while ensuring they meet environmental compliance. Operators are expected to deal with a constantly varying treatment system, such

By |2023-11-22T22:24:13+00:00July 9th, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|0 Comments

Your Wastewater System Runs Smoothly, Until It Doesn’t!

By Heather Jennings, PE The first thing I usually hear from operators is that they don’t have any problems! Everything runs perfectly, all the time, until it doesn’t. Then the heartburn, extra hours, and long days begin. The only other thing as sure as death and taxes for a wastewater system is that it will

By |2023-11-22T22:24:22+00:00July 2nd, 2020|Blog Post, Environmental|0 Comments


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