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Super Phos® Lowers Papermill Operating Costs in China
Problem The existing wastewater treatment system uses 600 kg/day of diammonium phosphate (DAP) to provide the needed phosphorus concentration to maintain a healthy microbial population to treat wastewater. These microorganisms break down the organic matter being discharged from the paper processing facility. Without the correct concentration of available phosphorus, the microorganisms are unable to grow
Bio Energizer® Toxicity Testing
Abstract Bio Energizer® is frequently used to facilitate bioremediation of wastewater. A study was conducted by an independent laboratory to measure possible negative effects Bio Energizer® might have on a freshwater test species (rainbow trout). Using EPA-approved methodology to evaluate Bio Energizer®, the lab administered the product at 10 ppm to a test tank and
Bio Energizer® Reduces Sludge at Small Municipal Facility
Problem A small town in Utah (pop. 1,800) had a municipal wastewater system with a flow rate of 192,000 gallons per day. The system included a series of four lagoons that tapered to a depth of 6 feet, although at this time only Ponds 1 and 2 were being evaluated for treatment as they were
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Toilet–to–Tap—Taking the Ick Out of Wastewater Recycling
By Jael Batty The UN warns that by 2030, over half the world will be water-stressed, affecting food production and increasing exposure to waterborne disease. There is enormous potential in directly recycled wastewater. Unfortunately, attempts at wastewater recycling have historically been shot down by the public.1 Thus, most treated wastewater is dumped into oceans and
Lower Operating Costs with Super Phos®
Project Summary A paper mill wastewater treatment facility uses diammonium phosphate to maintain a healthy microbial population. These microorganisms, which break down the organic matter, require the correct concentration of available phosphorus, without which the microorganisms are unable to grow and reproduce.
Just Another Snake Oil?
by Heather Jennings, PE For years, the wastewater industry has been plagued with products that meet only half the expectations of the users or make matters worse. I get it. I personally questioned the efficacy of Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT—the nutrient carrier for all our liquid nutrient and biostimulant products) when I started with Probiotic