MicroPlex® HS

Benefits of Use:

  • Reduces Odor
  • Reduces hydrogen-sulfide concentrations
  • Improves biodegradation of solids and sludge in anaerobic conditions
  • Improves overall system performance


Hydrogen-Sulfide Reduction in Wastewater Systems: Primary Treatment, Sewer Lines, Lagoons, and Solids Handling (Liquid) 

Huma® MicroPlex® HS is a liquid suspension (with an activator packet) of preselected and adapted anaerobes designed to improve biodegradation under anoxic and anaerobic conditions—such as sewer lines, primary treatment, anaerobic lagoons, and sludge handling/processing—to reduce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) odors in conveyance and treatment systems. MicroPlex® HS has been developed for use in food processing, meat packing, and municipal sludge and waste treatment facilities. 

Product Characteristics 

Derived From: Preselected, adapted phototrophic, facultative anaerobes. 

Physical Properties: 

Appearance: Colorless to light gray 

Form: Liquid 

Weight: 8.45 lbs per gallon, 1 kg/L 

pH: 6–9 

Freezing Point: 32°F 

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