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Lagoon Study Shows Sludge Layer Biologically Active and Responsive to Reduction Using Bio Energizer®
Summary In this study, a one-year bioremediation plan was implemented for a municipal wastewater treatment facility with 2 primary lagoons that were at risk of upset and in which wastewater processing capacity was reduced due to an increased sludge layer. Specific changes in strata microbial life were tracked through ATP and DNA analysis at quarterly
Bio Genesis® Reduces Foam and Increases Stability at Idaho Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility
Problem A municipal wastewater treatment facility in Idaho uses a small, activated sludge system to treat 35,000 gallons per day (gpd); waste activated sludge (WAS) is removed from the system approximately every 2 to 3 weeks. The system frequently experienced intermittent foaming and settling issues, as well as seasonal impact from grease relating to the
Bio Energizer® Toxicity Testing
Abstract Bio Energizer® is frequently used to facilitate bioremediation of wastewater. A study was conducted by an independent laboratory to measure possible negative effects Bio Energizer® might have on a freshwater test species (rainbow trout). Using EPA-approved methodology to evaluate Bio Energizer®, the lab administered the product at 10 ppm to a test tank and
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Just Another Snake Oil?
by Heather Jennings, PE For years, the wastewater industry has been plagued with products that meet only half the expectations of the users or make matters worse. I get it. I personally questioned the efficacy of Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT—the nutrient carrier for all our liquid nutrient and biostimulant products) when I started with Probiotic