Wastewater treatment is an area that often garners less attention from mill owners than other areas within the mill. By maintaining a healthy microbial population within the biological portion of the wastewater treatment system, the treatment facility can ensure that it is operating at peak performance. Providing the necessary required nutrients in a bioavailable form is key to accomplishing the goal to meet regulatory statutes, improve system efficiency, and lower expenses.

Super Phos

Super Phos®

The Solution for Maximum Phosphate Availability in Water 

Huma® Super Phos®, complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, is a liquid phosphate nutrient that is added into wastewater treatment systems to feed phosphorus-deficient microorganisms. 

In response to the reactivity of phosphorous in wastewater, Huma® Environmental developed a phosphorous product scientifically complexed with Micro Carbon Technology® called SUPER PHOS®. Over the years this product has proven to save money and improve plant performance by maximizing phosphorous bioavailability with minimum phosphorous input. SUPER PHOS® is an essential component of energy- carrying phosphate compounds (ATP & ADP), nucleic acids, several essential coenzymes, and phospholipids. SUPER PHOS® starts out as white phosphoric acid that is pre-complexed with organic acids to ensure maximum availability to microorganisms. SUPER PHOS® has proven itself in wastewater applications where maximum performance is required and minimum effluent phosphorous concentrations are demanded.

Bio Energizer

Bio Energizer®

Bio Energizer® significantly improves systems’ ability to recover after an “upset” condition, such as when systems experience instantaneous high COD or hydraulic loading, or experience high-toxicity events. The microbiology recovers quicker than is typical, leading to improved COD removal and settling, which improves water clarity and quality. Bio Energizer® improves, buffers, diversifies, and strengthens the microbiology in the system allowing the biochemical system to accommodate the “events” and maintain treatment efficiency.

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