Max Pak® (HE)

Benefits of Use:

  • Stimulates both indigenous and inoculated bacteria in-situ and ex-situ
  • Promotes healthier, more robust, and diverse microbial populations
  • Provides essential microbial micronutrients

Benefits of Use in Water: 

  • Applicable in nutritionally deficient municipal and industrial wastewater
  • Promotes healthier, more robust, and diverse microbial populations
  • Provides essential microbial micronutrients
  • Improved solids digestion
  • Improved operational stability


The Solution for Micronutrient Nutrition 

Huma® Max Pak® is a liquid micronutrient formulation containing an organically complexed, highly stable source of many important micronutrients for a balanced microbial ecosystem. Max Pak® is salt buffered and formulated with Micro Carbon Technology® to ensure maximum uptake of nutrients by microorganisms. 

Product Characteristics 

Derived From: 

Boric Acid, Cobalt Sulfate, Sodium Molybdate, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, and Ferrous Sulfates. 

Also contains beneficial substances: 

6% Organic Matter (derived from humic substances) 

Physical Properties: 

Form: Liquid 

Appearance: Clear to slightly hazy, bluish 

green, having a sweet citrus type odor. 

Weight: 10.85 lbs per gallon, 1.30 kg/L 

pH: 1.0–2.0 

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