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Bio Energizer® Reduces Costs and Turbidity in Paperboard Lagoons at Kentucky Papermill Wastewater Facility
Problem A paper mill wastewater facility was treating 940 tons of paper bags, recycled linerboard, and corrugating medium, daily. The mill was interested in improving wastewater operating efficiency and lowering operating expenses over their standard polymer usage. The plant was experiencing filamentous bacteria, solids, and bulking issues in the final clarifier. It was discharging 4,000
Bio Energizer® Reduces Sludge at Small N.M. Municipal Facility
Problem A small town in New Mexico (pop. 1,300) had a municipal wastewater system with a flow rate of 50,000 gallons per day. The system included a series of three lagoons that tapered to a depth of 13 feet. Pond 1 had an average sludge depth of 1.9 feet, Pond 2 averaged 3.5 feet, and
Bio Energizer® Toxicity Testing
Abstract Bio Energizer® is frequently used to facilitate bioremediation of wastewater. A study was conducted by an independent laboratory to measure possible negative effects Bio Energizer® might have on a freshwater test species (rainbow trout). Using EPA-approved methodology to evaluate Bio Energizer®, the lab administered the product at 10 ppm to a test tank and
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MICROPLEX® JS Jump-Starts Summer Camp Wastewater Treatment Plant
Each year a summer camp in Utah becomes inundated with campers. The camp’s wastewater treatment plant goes dormant during the winter months with only occasional flows. The biomass becomes very inactive and in years past became overloaded and upset when the high organic load arrived at the plant at the beginning of the camping season.
Get the “P” Out of There!
By Heather Jennings, PE Phosphorus is one of the most abundant elements on earth. It’s essential for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy carrier life is built on. But in excess in our lakes and ponds, we see large algal growths occurring. Many times, these algal blooms suffocate the surrounding aquatic life and or produce toxins
NMRWA 2019 Instructor of the Year Award Presented to Probiotic Solutions® Project Engineer, Heather Jennings
By Jael Batty Bio Huma Netics, Inc. congratulates Heather Jennings, Project Engineer for Probiotic Solutions®, who was awarded Instructor of the Year at the New Mexico Rural Water Association (NMRWA) Conference on April 10. Ms. Jennings, who has been training and presenting for five and a half years, teaches basic and advanced wastewater math for