OM Manganese
Benefits of Use:
- Effectively treats manganese deficiency symptoms
- An enzyme activator that aids in chlorophyll synthesis
- Closely associated with the micronutrients copper and zinc
- Activates the lipid enzymes
- Essential for assimilation of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis
- Functions in the formation of riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and carotene
- Improves formation of lateral roots
- Provides quick crop response and can be applied just prior to actual crop need
- Can be applied foliarly (according to label directions) without risk of phytotoxicity
- Can be effectively tank-mixed with other organic crop inputs
- Resists tie-up in the soil and remains available through the plant root system
Deficiency Symptoms-When to Apply:
- Chlorosis and/or mottling due to manganese deficiency
- Plants may be pale green to yellow-red in color between green veins on soybeans, tomatoes, and beets
- Tips of small grains turn gray to white (gray speck in oats)
- In neutral to alkaline soils high in calcium and in organic soils where manganese is
less available
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