
PS Article Published in Tri-State Seminar Proceedings

An article by Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions®, has been published in Tri-State Seminars Magazine, the proceedings of the 36th Annual Tri-State Seminar, held on August 9–12, 2021, in Las Vegas, Nev. Ms. Jennings was a featured presenter at the seminar, which provides training and certification classes to educate water professionals from Arizona,

By |2023-10-10T18:09:15-07:00March 12th, 2022|Blog Post, Case Studies, Company, Environmental|Comments Off on PS Article Published in Tri-State Seminar Proceedings

BHN Hosts PFAS Training for Water and Wastewater Plant Operators

Bio Huma Netics hosted a 6-hour PFAS training seminar on February 23, 2022. Co-Sponsored by the Rural Water Association of Arizona, the event provided education on the problem of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in water. Speakers at the event included Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions®, Cathy Swanson, West Regional Sales Manager

By |2023-11-22T21:10:45-07:00February 23rd, 2022|Blog Post, Company, Environmental|Comments Off on BHN Hosts PFAS Training for Water and Wastewater Plant Operators

The Fertilgold Organics Product Quality Assurance Process

In this video, we show the scientific steps we take to make sure that all our Fertilgold Organics® liquid products are built according to specifications, are consistent from batch to batch, and are of the highest quality.

By |2023-11-14T14:45:51-07:00January 12th, 2022|Blog Post, Organics, Video|Comments Off on The Fertilgold Organics Product Quality Assurance Process

Webinar Video: Lagoons Under the Surface

Webinar video highlights key findings—including $6M in savings—from a year-long bioremediation program for lagoon sludge reduction at a municipal wastewater treatment plant. In this 31-minute video, Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions®, and Diego Lopez, Chief Plant Operator for the City of Lemoore, Calif., Wastewater Treatment Plant discuss highlights from the year-long study of

By |2023-11-22T21:21:39-07:00October 16th, 2021|Blog Post, Case Studies, Environmental, Video|Comments Off on Webinar Video: Lagoons Under the Surface

Global Fertilizer Day Is October 13

Global Fertilizer Day: Join us in celebrating the world's farmers. They have set themselves the almost impossible task of feeding more and more people while using less land and fewer resources.

By |2023-10-10T16:24:29-07:00October 12th, 2021|Ag News, Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on Global Fertilizer Day Is October 13

BHN’s Fertilgold® Organics Earns OMRI-Listing for 21 Products

Fertilgold® Organics, a brand of organic fertilizer products from Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) headquartered in Gilbert, Ariz., has achieved Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listing for 21 initial products. Of these, 13 OMRI-listed liquid crop nutrition products are based on the company’s proprietary nutrient carrier, Micro Carbon Technology®, which carries nutrients to plants more

By |2023-10-10T16:08:11-07:00September 29th, 2021|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on BHN’s Fertilgold® Organics Earns OMRI-Listing for 21 Products

Celebrating the Life of Jason Garcia

We lost Jason Garcia this week, his life cut short way too soon. When Jason joined BHN as an agronomist in 2019, it was apparent early on that we had hired a special guy. Jason was ENTHUSIASTIC! Always. You just couldn’t have a conversation with Jason without hearing a great story about someone in his

By |2023-10-10T18:52:56-07:00September 21st, 2021|Blog Post, Company, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on Celebrating the Life of Jason Garcia

Univ. of Calif.: Huma Gro® Increases Strawberry Yields 30%

Huma Gro® Ultra-Precision™ Blend Plus Root Dip Increases Strawberry Yields 30%, Univ. of Calif. Conducted by: Surendra K. Dara, PhD, University of California Huma Gro® Products: Ultra-Precision™ Blend; plus root dip of Breakout®, Promax®, Vitol®, and Zap® OBJECTIVE The purpose of this research project was to evaluate how a special blend of fertilizer solution and

By |2023-11-22T21:33:31-07:00September 15th, 2021|Blog Post, Editorial, Plant & Soil|Comments Off on Univ. of Calif.: Huma Gro® Increases Strawberry Yields 30%

Rutgers Univ.: Huma Pro® Stimulates Root Growth

Huma Pro® Stimulates Rhizophagy Cycle of Microbes to Increase Root Growth, Rutgers Univ. Conducted by: James White, PhD, Rutgers University Huma Gro® Products: Huma Pro® OBJECTIVE The purpose of this research project was to evaluate how humic acids stimulate microbial activity and initiation of the rhizophagy cycle (in which plants cultivate microbes on their roots

By |2023-11-22T21:35:04-07:00September 15th, 2021|Blog Post, Editorial, Liquid Humic & Fulvic Acids, Plant & Soil, Tech Additives|Comments Off on Rutgers Univ.: Huma Pro® Stimulates Root Growth

PS and RWAAz Host PFAS Workshop

Probiotic Solutions®, along with the Rural Water Association of Arizona, conducted a workshop today on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) at Probiotic Solutions/Bio Huma Netics headquarters in Gilbert, Arizona. The workshop, titled “PFAS: The Phantom Menace,” featured presentations by Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions, and Marci Payne, Sales and Marketing Manager at Legend

By |2023-11-22T21:35:30-07:00June 23rd, 2021|Blog Post, Environmental, News & Events|Comments Off on PS and RWAAz Host PFAS Workshop
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