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Bülent Özekici interviews Mehmet Haşim Şimşek—a farmer, consultant, and agronomist in southern Turkey—on his experience with using Huma Gro® products on stone fruits, especially in the areas of mitigating cold and heat stress and achieving
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Farmers promote root growth and increase harvest with Human Gro® Vitol®. Adolfo Meneses discusses VITOL®, a high performance agricultural biostimulant that improves plant root development, encourages plant growth and increases crop yields at harvest. Adolfo
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Improve Flowering, Size, Crop Quality and Yield with Vitol®
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Huma® Improves Alfalfa Quality In the Southwest
Background All Huma® Inc. products are based on extractions of humic substances and other materials that can stimulate plant growth and improve crop quality. Objective The objective of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying Huma® products, specifically Encapsalt®, Super Phos®, Max Pak®, 44 Mag,® Vitol®, Super Nitro®, Breakout®, Fertil Soil®, Iro-Max®,
Huma® Improves Alfalfa Soil Biology In the Southwest
Background Industrial agriculture can degrade soil quality for crops by altering the total living microbial biomass of soil. Many practices and beneficial ag products have been introduced to the market to improve soil quality. Some of these products are humic substance-based products. Objective The objective of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of applying
Huma® Fertilizer Program Improves Potato Yield by 5%, With 200% ROI
Background Huma® liquid fertilizer programs with Micro Carbon Technology® provide growers with efficient crop nutrients via foliar spray or irrigation at the exact time crops need them. Precision timing of efficient nutrition provides better crop yield and quality. Objective The focus of this study was to assess how the efficient Huma® nutritional products affect potato
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Nitrogen Use Efficiency has quickly become part of the vocabulary surrounding sustainability. But NUE is more than just a buzzword or another fancy acronym. NUE is the benchmark for nitrogen management. You’ll often see it used to measure the amount of nitrogen used to produce a bushel of grain. NUE is a pillar for calculating
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